1. Wales, UK 2. Paris, France 3. Madrid, Spain 4. Edinburgh, Scotland
English, Scottish & Irish people live in London the capital city of the UK People live in Paris the capital city of France People live in Edinburgh the capital city of Scotland People live in Dublin the capital city of Republic of Ireland People live in Washington the capital city of the US
A capital is the principal city or town associated with its government. It is almost always the city which physically encompasses the offices and meeting places of the seat of government. National capitals in Vexillium include:
1. Wales, UK 2. Paris, France 3. Madrid, Spain 4. Edinburgh, Scotland
English, Scottish & Irish people live in London the capital city of the UK People live in Paris the capital city of France People live in Edinburgh the capital city of Scotland People live in Dublin the capital city of Republic of Ireland People live in Washington the capital city of the US
A capital is the principal city or town associated with its government. It is almost always the city which physically encompasses the offices and meeting places of the seat of government. National capitals in Vexillium include:
* Aberban
* Anankachiri
* Aurelius
* Baben
* Cèdre
* Chemphi
* Colchisia
* Covington
* Cruishaven
* Crystal City
* Ciudad Kelly
* Dianamalary
* Fenizabad
* Gough
* Haastadt
* Ixihuépetl
* Joannina
* Kikikira
* Kisqa
* Kurin
* Lat Shaele
* Liston
* Markhamn
* Marako'u'ii
* Medhinou
* Midlburgh
* Mɵg
* Móinéar
* Nasserhabib
* Outreaumer
* Port Angela
* Port Lanarch
* Porto Capital
* Queta
* Saint Thomas
* Sansoheil
* Sanxaver
* Semprempe
* Subrata
* Surina (Realmscapital)
* Teocapec
* Uniontown
* Utan Krysaror
* Zubuligar
* Zvitniev