Uif Wpmjbo Wpjdf, translated "The Volian Voice", was a newspaper published by the Volians on the planet Volia. The newspaper wrote about a plague spread amongst the population, stating that Aschen arrived on Volia via spaceship and offered them the vaccine against plague. The newspaper wrote a few more issues after the Aschen arrived on Volia, but was closed down after Volians discovered that the Aschen vaccine had a side effect that made them sterile. The last thing the newspaper wrote about was a rebellion against the Aschen and the newspaper was closed the following day. Daniel Jackson and Teal'c found a public building under the earth and found some newspapers that they read and brought back to Earth. (SG1: "2001")
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- Uif Wpmjbo Wpjdf
| - 200px|thumb|Ett nummer av nyhetstidningen. Uif Wpmjbo Wpjdf var en tidning utgiven av Volianer på planeten Volia. Tidningen skrevs i keltiska. Tidningen skrev om en farsot sprids bland befolkningen, säger att Aschenerna anlände Volia via rymdskepp och erbjöd dem vaccin mot pesten. Tidningen skrev några fler frågor efter Aschenerna anlände på Volia, var men stängdes efter Volianerna upptäckte att Aschener vaccinet hade en bieffekt som gjort dem sterila. Det sista tidningen skrev handlade om ett uppror mot Aschenerna och tidningen stängdes följande dag. Daniel Jackson och Teal'c funnit en offentlig byggnad under jorden och hittade några tidningar som de läser och kom tillbaka till Jorden. (SG1: "2001") Kategori:Tidningar
- Uif Wpmjbo Wpjdf, translated "The Volian Voice", was a newspaper published by the Volians on the planet Volia. The newspaper wrote about a plague spread amongst the population, stating that Aschen arrived on Volia via spaceship and offered them the vaccine against plague. The newspaper wrote a few more issues after the Aschen arrived on Volia, but was closed down after Volians discovered that the Aschen vaccine had a side effect that made them sterile. The last thing the newspaper wrote about was a rebellion against the Aschen and the newspaper was closed the following day. Daniel Jackson and Teal'c found a public building under the earth and found some newspapers that they read and brought back to Earth. (SG1: "2001")
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| - Uif Wpmjbo Wpjdf, translated "The Volian Voice", was a newspaper published by the Volians on the planet Volia. The newspaper wrote about a plague spread amongst the population, stating that Aschen arrived on Volia via spaceship and offered them the vaccine against plague. The newspaper wrote a few more issues after the Aschen arrived on Volia, but was closed down after Volians discovered that the Aschen vaccine had a side effect that made them sterile. The last thing the newspaper wrote about was a rebellion against the Aschen and the newspaper was closed the following day. Daniel Jackson and Teal'c found a public building under the earth and found some newspapers that they read and brought back to Earth. (SG1: "2001") Luckily, it is possible to read the newspaper by replacing every letter with its previous letter in the alphabet. Using this simple Caesar cipher, some of the headlines can be translated as: "Newcomers vaccine [e]nds fever" and "Vaccine from Newcome[r]s causes sterility".
- 200px|thumb|Ett nummer av nyhetstidningen. Uif Wpmjbo Wpjdf var en tidning utgiven av Volianer på planeten Volia. Tidningen skrevs i keltiska. Tidningen skrev om en farsot sprids bland befolkningen, säger att Aschenerna anlände Volia via rymdskepp och erbjöd dem vaccin mot pesten. Tidningen skrev några fler frågor efter Aschenerna anlände på Volia, var men stängdes efter Volianerna upptäckte att Aschener vaccinet hade en bieffekt som gjort dem sterila. Det sista tidningen skrev handlade om ett uppror mot Aschenerna och tidningen stängdes följande dag. Daniel Jackson och Teal'c funnit en offentlig byggnad under jorden och hittade några tidningar som de läser och kom tillbaka till Jorden. (SG1: "2001") Kategori:Tidningar