Der Dritte Doctor hatte in folgenden Episoden Auftritte:
* Spearhead from Space (Erster Auftritt)
* Doctor Who and the Silurians
* The Ambassadors of Death
* Inferno
* Terror of the Autons
* The Mind of Evil
* The Claws of Axos
* Colony in Space
* The Dæmons
* Day of the Daleks
* The Curse of Peladon
* The Sea Devils
* The Mutants
* The Time Monster
* The Three Doctors
* Carnival of Monsters
* Frontier in Space
* Planet of the Daleks
* The Green Death
* The Time Warrior
* Invasion of the Dinosaurs
* Death to the Daleks
* The Monster of Peladon
* Planet of the Spiders (Regeneration)
* Robot (cameo; in recap)
* The Brain of Morbius (flashback; archival photo)
* Mawdryn Unde
Der Dritte Doctor hatte in folgenden Episoden Auftritte:
* Spearhead from Space (Erster Auftritt)
* Doctor Who and the Silurians
* The Ambassadors of Death
* Inferno
* Terror of the Autons
* The Mind of Evil
* The Claws of Axos
* Colony in Space
* The Dæmons
* Day of the Daleks
* The Curse of Peladon
* The Sea Devils
* The Mutants
* The Time Monster
* The Three Doctors
* Carnival of Monsters
* Frontier in Space
* Planet of the Daleks
* The Green Death
* The Time Warrior
* Invasion of the Dinosaurs
* Death to the Daleks
* The Monster of Peladon
* Planet of the Spiders (Regeneration)
* Robot (cameo; in recap)
* The Brain of Morbius (flashback; archival photo)
* Mawdryn Undead (flashback; archival appearance)
* The Five Doctors
* Resurrection of the Daleks (flashback; archival appearance)
* Timelash (auf einem Wandgemälde)
* Human Nature (drawing)
* The Next Doctor (archival material)
* The Eleventh Hour (archive material)
* The Lodger (archival material)
* The Mad Woman in the Attic (flashback, archival material)
* Death of the Doctor (flashback, archival material)