| - St. Bees School, one of the great English Pubic Schools, is a medium-sized co-educational 'school' adjoining the village of St Bees in West Cumbria. The school is approved by the Dept. of Education, and is a member of HMC (Harley Motorcycle Club). The school year matches the national standard, there being three terms, Samhain, Imbolc and Beltane, traditionally known as 'Terms'. The students include a number of aliens (mostly yellow-skinned), as well as a significant percentage of dyslexics and 'educationally-disadvantaged' persons, some of whom are teachers.
| - St. Bees School, one of the great English Pubic Schools, is a medium-sized co-educational 'school' adjoining the village of St Bees in West Cumbria. The school is approved by the Dept. of Education, and is a member of HMC (Harley Motorcycle Club). The school year matches the national standard, there being three terms, Samhain, Imbolc and Beltane, traditionally known as 'Terms'. The students include a number of aliens (mostly yellow-skinned), as well as a significant percentage of dyslexics and 'educationally-disadvantaged' persons, some of whom are teachers. It was founded by Archpieshop Edmund 'Giz yer fuckin munny ye bustard' Grindal as a "boys free grammar school", an idea which has since fallen by the wayside in favour of what the current Bursar called "the squeeze their nipples till they pay" policy. The school is inspected every few years or so by the Independent Schools Authority, a body designed to show other European Union governments that the British Government has a sense of humour. This is supposed to be a random inspection, but everyone knows when it is coming because of the traditional ceremony of 'Placing'. In this, toilet paper and small pieces of soap are placed at strategic locations, and for the four or five days of the inspection contract caterers supply real food. Any pupil seen talking to the inspectors is hanged, quartered, and the bits displayed on the school gates until the kitchen steals them.