The franchise centers on Tinker Bell, the expressive pixie from Peter Pan and its sequel, Return to Never Land. In both prior Disney films, Tinker Bell communicated through pantomime and ringing bells, often translated by Peter. Tinker Bell marks the first time Disney's version of Tinker Bell has a voice actress, Mae Whitman. The film was released to both DVD and Blu-ray on October 28, 2008. Ms. Whitman replaced the since-deceased Brittany Murphy, who had scheduling conflicts with Disney Animation chairman John Lasseter.
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| - Disney Fairies
- Disney Fairies
- Disney Fairies
| - thumb|200px|Logo de la franquicia. Disney Fairies (Hadas Disney en español) es una franquicia de The Walt Disney Company. El personaje principal de la franquicia es Campanilla, conocida por la película Peter Pan. Campanilla también tiene su propia saga de películas, en las que aparecen varios personajes de la franquicia.
- In der Disney Faires Wiki geht es um die Disney Faires Filmreihe mit dem Hauptcharakter Tinkerbell. In der Disney Faires Wiki werden Informationen über die Charaktere und über die Kultur der Feen bereitgestellt. Das Wikia wurde von Salsamon gegründet.
- The franchise centers on Tinker Bell, the expressive pixie from Peter Pan and its sequel, Return to Never Land. In both prior Disney films, Tinker Bell communicated through pantomime and ringing bells, often translated by Peter. Tinker Bell marks the first time Disney's version of Tinker Bell has a voice actress, Mae Whitman. The film was released to both DVD and Blu-ray on October 28, 2008. Ms. Whitman replaced the since-deceased Brittany Murphy, who had scheduling conflicts with Disney Animation chairman John Lasseter.
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| - The franchise centers on Tinker Bell, the expressive pixie from Peter Pan and its sequel, Return to Never Land. In both prior Disney films, Tinker Bell communicated through pantomime and ringing bells, often translated by Peter. Tinker Bell marks the first time Disney's version of Tinker Bell has a voice actress, Mae Whitman. The film was released to both DVD and Blu-ray on October 28, 2008. Ms. Whitman replaced the since-deceased Brittany Murphy, who had scheduling conflicts with Disney Animation chairman John Lasseter. Along with Tinker Bell, Disney Fairies also features a score of original characters created specifically for the line. The Disney Fairies film series has a somewhat different cast of characters than the book series. Both series take place in Pixie Hollow, the secret world of the Neverland fairies.
- thumb|200px|Logo de la franquicia. Disney Fairies (Hadas Disney en español) es una franquicia de The Walt Disney Company. El personaje principal de la franquicia es Campanilla, conocida por la película Peter Pan. Campanilla también tiene su propia saga de películas, en las que aparecen varios personajes de la franquicia.
- In der Disney Faires Wiki geht es um die Disney Faires Filmreihe mit dem Hauptcharakter Tinkerbell. In der Disney Faires Wiki werden Informationen über die Charaktere und über die Kultur der Feen bereitgestellt. Das Wikia wurde von Salsamon gegründet.
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