| - Spies are units dedicated to battlefield espionage and general undercover operations. They carry a makeup kit at all times that contains the uniforms, props, and other materials of virtually every infantry unit in the entire world, even those of the Allies, presumably in case a rogue commander attempts to defect from the Allied cause. Spies are taught how to don their disguise using the makeup kit in only a moment's notice, as infiltrating an enemy base behind enemy lines is a tricky business that requires ticktock precision. Additionally, each spy is taught several hacking techniques necessary to conduct operations within the enemy base. These include shutting down production lines, wiring cash back to the commander, disabling the power grid, and even shutting down the radar of the base and rerouting the feed back to the commander to view. More recently, spies have been granted access to large "discretionary" bank accounts by the Allies, and are therefore able to bribe enemy units into committing treason (even Apocalypse tanks and King Onis are susceptible to bribery). When garrisoned in a multigunner turret or an IFV, they will use sniper rifles. It must be noted however that spies cannot use sniper rifles when garrisoned in buildings or in the field (possibly to avoid losing their disguise to enemy forces). Bribing enemies will also cause the Spy to lose its disguise, so be cautious when using this ability. But like the previous generations before them, the spy will not be able to fool Bears, Burst Drones and Dogs when in sight range. They can also swim. A note to Commanders facing (rogue) spies, if you see your Conscripts, Imperial Warriors, Peacekeepers, or any other non-amphibious infantry swimming, do not assume that your heavily armored Peacekeepers or (admittedly properly clad for swimming) Archer Maidens are cleaning themselves the old fashioned way. Assume they are spies and send Attack Dogs, War Bears, or Burst Drones alongside combat capable units (such as a Yari) to confirm and kill the spies before they get too close to your base.