| - You got it.
- Great.
- {Almost trying to convince himself / Stern} No, she's got to go.
- {Relieved} *sigh* I was powerful worried about Avery.
- Hear this. We're taking back our island. We'll make it great again.
- {Said with some appreciation - as much as he can manage, he likes the PC - so "No offense" / Stern} You helped us on Mariner's "Hull", but we didn't need it. This is our island, our fight, not yours.
- {Irritated} And now the Fog's covering the whole island. But only after the Children came.
- {Grim, approving / Confident} We've had our differences, to be sure. But I'm proud to stand here. With you.
- {Trying to be friendly, in his own rough way / SinisterSmile} Anyone willing to put those bastards down, I'll sell my top shelf ordinance to with a smile.
- {Bitching / Irritated} We don't need no freeloaders or more "help", mainlander.
- {Grim, morose / Somber} Strong enough to push all of us out of our homesteads, further and further until it's a wonder we're not all drowned in the ocean.
- {Backing up, and being friendly in his own way / Suspicious} But there's one exception, that is if you meant what you said to Avery about the Children of Atom.
- {Stern} Grab a gun from my shop if you ain't got one.
- {Itching to do it / Angry} I knew I should've wasted him.
- {Darkly pleased, approving / SinisterSmile} See? See the mainlander gets it.
- {Surprised and pleased / Stern} The mainlander sees the sense in all this.
- {Big moment - player wins contest of wills and breaks him here / Thinking} Why... you... I ought to.
- The Children of Atom are dead and done for. This island will be ours again!
- {Stern} Yeah. So stay far, far away from the Nucleus.
- {Grumbly / Puzzled} I wasn't expecting nobody. Next shipment's three days out.
- {Severe grumbly / Irritated} Mainlanders ain't nothing but trouble.
- {Fed up, coming down off adrenaline / Irritated} I'm done cowering behind your damned Hull, Avery.
- {Hard truths / Defiant} Hell no. Once you start leaning on people, soon you can't walk no good on your own.
- {Angry} This is a damned saboteur. Those Condensers down by the fresh water - the storm didn't take 'em out.
- {Deadly serious - holding in murderous rage / Angry} With the right people and my guns I can end those Children of Atom cultists for good.
- {Unapologetic honesty / Stern} When you first came ashore, I didn't know what to make of you.
- If you put down roots on the island... I imagine I'd be all right with that.
- {Approving / Confident} I know you had a chance to interfere with this. Try to stop us from doing what must be done. But you stayed out of it.
- Don't think I've forgotten about your special discount, asshole.
- {Dark revelation / SinisterSmile} He's the one that proved it.
- {Pleased as hell / SinisterSmile} We're taking back our homes.
- {Grim and tired / Tired} This. This is good. This is right.
- {Make the player feel awesome for stopping the freight train - big moment here, made the zealot see reason / Somber} Damn it... I owe you for even knowing about this.
- {Irritated, blunt / Irritated} At first, you seemed like some bleeding heart kiss-ass to me.
- {Said before execution in cold blood / Angry} First thing's first.
- {Darkly Victorious / Defiant} The Nucleus is a crater now. And the Children of Atom are piles of radioactive slag.
- {Irritated} Time you let me deal with the real problem.
- There's absolutely no way those Children of Atom bastards nuked themselves without a push.
- {Spits out the first word, irritated / Irritated} Proof? We wait for that and we might as well pull the trigger ourselves.
- *sigh* Fine.
- {Insistent, anger brewing / Irritated} I mean, I know she's been mainland - but she's still an islander.
- {Bitter about this, and hiding some real fear / Angry} Instead we let them in. And all in secret from wherever they're holed up, they've been feeding the Fog. Getting it stronger.
- {SHOUTED - top of the lungs - heard throughout town / Angry} Avery! AVERY! Everyone!
- Now they're sending god damned saboteurs. Children got to be dealt with.
- {SinisterSmile} With the weapons I provided and our numbers, they don't have much of a chance.
- {Grim prophecy / Stern} And this island will go back to the way it's supposed to be.
- {LOUD - to a big crowd / SinisterSmile} Shut up! Did everyone see it?
- {Rage barely contained / Angry} To fight these bastards.
- {Old argument - not buying Avery's bullshit at all, angry / Angry} Before the rad eaters came, the Fog was under control. They come and it all goes wrong.
- {Rambly, stunned / Surprised} I always knew... I fucking knew... But your word alone don't mean nothing.
- {Stern} So tell any friends or family that left the island to come back.
- {Pulls it back, he does appreciate the player helped - but this has been a bloody affair, grim soldier / Defiant} Yeah, you helped. But we've paid our dues in blood and bullets.
- {Trying to console the player just a little} People been hunting the Red Death for years. Never been found.
- {Verging into anger / Angry} We've defended this damned dock from crabs and worse for months without you.
- Acadia got what it had coming.
- Acadia's gonna burn!
- And you'll be welcome any time... friend.
- Anything going on in there?
- Avery... Had to go. You see that, right?
- {LOUD SHOUT - to battle! / Angry} Everyone! Attack!
- Because you're... something else.
- {Blunt, irritated / Irritated} I've thought for years that not a damn good thing comes from the mainlands.
- But thanks.
- {Stern} What happens next time when you ain't here, huh? Or the next?
- Guns, ammo, and souvenirs. Get 'em while they're in stock.
- {Wants to chew the player out, but needs him - insistent / Defiant} What's it to... I mean, listen. If DiMA is replacing us - I got a right to know.
- {About to go on the war path / Angry} This is happening. And it's happening fucking now.
- {Rage is still there, beneath the surface / Somber} When we take care of the Children of Atom then all of this is over.
- DiMA deserved a slow, painful death.
- Do your business and get gone.
- Don't try anything.
- Enough. I'll... back down.
- {Grim - he will kill Captain Avery / Somber} Do to "it," you mean. Take a wild guess, mainlander.
- {RAISED VOLUME: Clipped / Stern} Grab a gun from my shop if you ain't got one.
- {Raised voice, angry - ready to murder / Somber} You ready to end this?
- God damned, thief.
- Goodbye.
- Guns, guns, and more guns!
- I don't buy it. Tektus wants peace?
- I got the guns if you got the caps.
- I got to know. Why did you do it? Ha.
- I'll do what it takes to protect my island.
- If it ain't the hero.
- Is anybody going to buy anything?
- {Irritated} I have better ways to spend my time, too.
- {Irritated} Nobody asked you to cobble together that stupid wall. You want yourself commodities, you know how to get 'em. Caps.
- And Acadia's just going to get away with it? This is your fault.
- Let's deal.
- {Angry} This is not Avery. This is some machine piece of shit.
- Mainlanders always think they know better.
- Make it fast.
- Make up your mind and come back.
- Maybe I'll give the Captain's Dance a try, too.
- Might be not all mainlanders are bad.