| - The entire Gilman street pack can be downloaded from A Blender file is available for this model A Wavefront obj file is available for this model category =LPC Gilman Street Project skipthispage =no mode =userformat ordermethod =title listseparators =,Image:%PAGE% redirect.png|%TITLE%
- <default>Palette</default> Obtained From: Location: Appearance: Unlike Emma or Zack Lee, April uses traditional art materials; canvas, paintbrush, and water soluble paint, mixed on a wooden palette. At the beginning of The Longest Journey, April is worried about her upcoming final project, which she has no inspiration for - it's due next Thursday. Painting her dream of the Mother's nest at VAVA helps April create a Shift to it. Obtained from the upstairs studio in VAVA, next to the sink.
- The PALETTE XLD archive holds color data for 54 palettes. Each subfile is 576 bytes long, storing 192 colors in RGB format in itself. There is also PALETTE.000, storing 64 static colors.
- In M.U.G.E.N, a Palette is a set of colours used in a character that defines the in-game appearance of said character. It may also refer to the actual .ACT files stored in the character's directory for this function.
- La Palette est une fonctionnalité associée au Vaisseau Gummi dans et . Elle permet de changer la couleur ou la texture des blocs Gummi.
- Palette refers to the color selections available on a given camera, in a given user interface context. These affect how CHDK menus and OSD elements - including user Grids - are displayed. This page is mainly for end-users working to create their own Grids. For developer information, see: Frame buffers
- The palette shows the four folks currently assigned to the Image:Button Circle.gif, Image:Button x.gif, Image:Button Square.gif and Image:Triangle.gif buttons corresponding to the four circles in the top-right of the screen.
- A Palette is your selection of choices to place in your NWN module. A Palette provides an organized list of all blueprints available in the module. All of the objects, whether creature, door or various other items in Neverwinter Nights Aurora Toolset is predefined within this Palette. Each of the objects will display their own hierarchical object tree. Each tree has a two states, Standard and Custom. The modes are changed by clicking on the tabs with their names. Palette Types: Door: This lists every type of door in the game, weak wooden doors, stone doors and jeweled doors.