| - George Dunsay was Vice President of Hasbro R&D in 1983. He was convinced by Henry Orenstein to acquire a license for releasing Takara's Diaclone and Microchange toys on the North American market after a Hasbro representative had discovered the toys at Tokyo Toy Fair. In addition, Dunsay also created My Little Pony, My Buddy, and Fresh 'n Fancy. He claims responsibility for coming up with the concept of the rubsign stickers, for which he shares the patent with Orenstein. Dunsay acted as Hasbro's liaison with Takara until 1988. In his own words, he would be Hasbro's "face in Japan" for many years. Later, he served as a consultant to Hasbro Europe when they were continuing the Transformers brand on their own, and subsequently served as a consultant for the brand following its reintroduction to the US market from 1992 through 2001. At the same time, he also consulted other companies such as Mattel, Takara, Tomy and Toybox, often serving as a bridge between Japanese and American companies. Dunsay was originally scheduled to attend BotCon 2004 as a guest, but had to cancel the trip later. He would provide an interview for the BotCon 2004 program guide as a substitute.