The Ōtsutsuki Clan, the originators of the Puppet Technique, developed a mass collection of puppets to guard the Energy Vessel located within the Moon's interior. Powered by the vessel's vast energy, these puppets functioned in a manner simmilar to robots, mercilessly taking down whatever threat nessessary. With the destruction of the energy vessel, the puppets, along with most of moon's interior was shut down for good during Toneri's attempt to destroy the world.
Attributes | Values |
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| - Ōtsutsuki Puppet Armament
| - The Ōtsutsuki Clan, the originators of the Puppet Technique, developed a mass collection of puppets to guard the Energy Vessel located within the Moon's interior. Powered by the vessel's vast energy, these puppets functioned in a manner simmilar to robots, mercilessly taking down whatever threat nessessary. With the destruction of the energy vessel, the puppets, along with most of moon's interior was shut down for good during Toneri's attempt to destroy the world.
unnamed tool
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debut shippuden
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tool classification
| - Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
literal english
| - Ōtsutsuki Puppet Armament
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tool media
| - Anime, Manga, Game, Movie
viz manga
| - Ōtsutsuki Collection of Puppets
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| - The Ōtsutsuki Clan, the originators of the Puppet Technique, developed a mass collection of puppets to guard the Energy Vessel located within the Moon's interior. Powered by the vessel's vast energy, these puppets functioned in a manner simmilar to robots, mercilessly taking down whatever threat nessessary. With the destruction of the energy vessel, the puppets, along with most of moon's interior was shut down for good during Toneri's attempt to destroy the world. Sometime after the events, Nakano Hyūga stumbled upon the gateway to the moon. Finding the collection among the wreckage, she restored them to prime condition and utilised them in her fighting style.
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