| - The Defender-class boat, also called Response Boat – Small (RB-S) and Response Boat – Homeland Security (RB-HS), is a standard boat introduced by the United States Coast Guard in 2002. The boats serves a variety of missions, including search and rescue, port security and law enforcement duties and replaces a variety of smaller non-standard boats. The design length of the hull is 25 feet and the boat is officially referred to as such. However, the overall length with engines mounted is approximately . Powered by twin outboard motors, they are capable of speeds in excess of and have a range of 150 to , depending on the class. The boat requires a minimum crew of two persons, but has a carrying capacity for 10 persons. The boat is easily trailerable and can be transported by a C-130 Hercules aircraft or truck. Although similar in appearance to a rigid-hulled inflatable boat, the Defender is actually an aluminum-hulled vessel, equipped with a rigid foam-filled flotation collar. The boats are built by SAFE Boats International (Secure All-around Flotation Equipped) of Port Orchard, Washington, a vendor of government and law enforcement boats.