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- The Sewers were a sanitary sewerage system located in the bowels of the city-sized JMC mining spaceship Red Dwarf. Prisoners from the classified prison known as the Tank on Floor 13 were often commissioned to maintain the sewers; that is, prisoners who had not gained certain privileges from joining the Canaries. Lister and Rimmer were once given the option of cleaning out the sewers, but instead elected to go on another "suicide mission" with Kill Crazy and other Canaries, where they encountered a GELF with three heads. ("Krytie TV" deleted scenes, Series VIII)
- File:Q2.png The Sewers are the second map of Unit 1 of The Reckoning. They are an entirely indoor facility, consisting primarily of various pipes and ducts, many of which are filled with water. The main challenge to the player would be to traverse the various flooded pipes without drowning. There is also some heavy machinery that needs to be operated in order to make progress. The area features a cesspool filled with toxic slime that has to be purified.
- The Sewers is a location seen in F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate.
- The Sewers is a vast dungeon located under the City it contains many Mining rocks aswell as a major rat problem.
- SEWERS is a track in the BIOHAZARD Operation Raccoon City ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK album.
- The manhole cover entrances to the sewers usually lays in the darkened parts of the city, surrounded by a plethora of enemies. Cole used these entrances to gain access to the sewers in his missions to reinstate power to the districts of Empire City. To restore the power, Cole had to first re-establish the circuit using his own body, an action that gives him new powers every time he did it. Once the circuit was dealt with, Cole traveled further through the sewers to find and recharge the substation before the power was reactivated.
- The grates on the ground in all areas of Baldur's Gate are not just decoration; they are passageways to three areas with connections to the whole of the city, even the Iron Throne and palaces. They make for a useful shortcut.
- free Work in progress… See Wasteland Sewer Missions for more information.
- Likely due to the nature of the area, this is the only part of Undercity to have retained it's Abomination guards.
- Sewers is a multiplayer level in Twisted Metal: Black. How to unlock it: In Abandoned Skyscrapers, go to the bottom of the plane ramp and cross the billboard to the other building. Turn left and face the plane with the gap in front of you, aim at the third light from the left and slowly go over the side. You'll die, but if done right, you will have unlocked this level.
- This arena looks a lot like the sewers of Chicago. The main color is dark yellow, there is also white, green, red, blue, and bright yellow. It has mostly all ramps with three ladders and two elevators. It has some drop through and sniping points. Three main elevations and the rooms are connected by small hallways. There is also a sewage pit in the central area; this room has the most traffic.
- The sewers is a location in Submachine 2: The Lighthouse and in Submachine Universe.
- The sewers can provide quick access to all three areas of Betancuria as well as The Bear Pit (through SART). It's inhabited by rats, spiders, and gelatinous cubes and is the Princess' first outing into unfriendly territory. The initial entrance is through the Warehouse in Betancuria South.
- The Sewers were a network of tunnels beneath the United States on Earth, designed to transport waste. Xaq made use of them several times. On his first adventure, he escaped from everyone trying to kill him through the sewers. There, he met Laura and rescued Colette for the first time. (Series 1: "The Sewers") Much later, Zoovac informed Xaq of a passage through the sewers that might lead to the lost city of Atlantis. Unfortunately, members of The Company had discovered it as well, and raced Xaq to discover the ancient city. (Series 1: "Atlantis Quest")
- The Sewers are a location in Bowerstone Industrial in Fable III. They are a series of sewers underneath Bowerstone Industrial that carry the waste around to open sewers around the district. The sewer area itself is divided into two separate sections by a barred gateway, and there are two main entrances: one by the Riveter's Rest pub and one by the Reaver Industries factory.
- A laptop computer was found in the city sewers on Monday, April 22nd of 2013, after screams were heard echoing from below. As far as authorities could tell, there was no owner. All picture files on the hard drive were corrupted, and forensics failed to reconstruct all but one of them. The reconstructed photo partially revealed a terrified man in his late teens or early twenties, and some sort of face behind him.
- Those things which you can get to from pipes. Waste and water is moved through them. Pretty dang nasty if you ask me. So I have no idea whatsoever why this guy Murlough wants to live down there. Anywho, when Murlough is terrorizing Mr. Crepsley's hometown, Murlough traps Evra down in the sewers. Poor Evra wasn't only kidnapped by this sick Vampaneze, but had to live down in this enviroment. He stayed there until Darren came up with a plan to "sacrifice" Debbie, his girlfriend. Way to make a deal with a guy who wants to kill everybody Darren. You're very lucky it worked and everybody lived.
- Sewers exist underneath the cities of Marali, Mirith and Andris. They are the easiest type of dungeon, and they potentially serve as training areas where beginning characters hunt the rats and avoid the snake. Look for the sewers' entrance, a ladder that leads down a square hall. The sewers also have chests. Any player with Lockpicking level 1 can open most of the chests, but the trap will take at least 20 HP from the player. A Rogue can use Removing Traps before Lockpicking.
- The map takes place inside a sewer system, with GR and BL spawn point facing each other. There are two levels to the map - an upper and lower section. The upper section consists of both team's spawns opposing each other, connected to each other by a thin ledge. BL and GR players can also use the side ledge to get to the other side, with these side ledges is connected to the center ledge by another thin ledge, forming a thin cross-road.
- I live in Middlesex Township in Butler County. We are currently being forced to tap into a public sewer project. The tapin fee is $6,000 per house, plus your own associated plumbing costs, and a future fee of $54/month. This project is an eminent domain situation. There are some areas where septic systems have failed, but the majority of the township is good. The state decided to push the sewer system anyway, but there's a catch. The whole township isn't involved. The system concentrates on the Route 8 and Route 228 corridors, the most densely populated areas of the township.