| - Jorin Bloodhowl was a native Fenrisian who served as one of the first Einherjar to the formidable warlord Leman, King of the Russ, the lost Primarch and rightful leader of the VI Legion of Astartes before the coming of the Allfather to their world during the Great Crusade. These formidable warriors served as an honour guard to Leman Russ, having been reavers and sword-brothers to their fearsome lord. When the truth of Leman's heritage was finally revealed, every warrior in the king's mead-hall had drawn their iron blades and clamoured to fight at his side, as sword-brothers ought. But the Emperor informed them that they were too old to survive the dangerous implantation process to become Legiones Astartes, as not a man amongst them was younger than twenty winters of age. The trials they wo
| - Jorin Bloodhowl was a native Fenrisian who served as one of the first Einherjar to the formidable warlord Leman, King of the Russ, the lost Primarch and rightful leader of the VI Legion of Astartes before the coming of the Allfather to their world during the Great Crusade. These formidable warriors served as an honour guard to Leman Russ, having been reavers and sword-brothers to their fearsome lord. When the truth of Leman's heritage was finally revealed, every warrior in the king's mead-hall had drawn their iron blades and clamoured to fight at his side, as sword-brothers ought. But the Emperor informed them that they were too old to survive the dangerous implantation process to become Legiones Astartes, as not a man amongst them was younger than twenty winters of age. The trials they would have to endure would very likely kill them, no matter how courageous and strong-willed they were. They would not be dissuaded by thoughts of suffering or death, and so, moved by the devotion of his warriors, Leman Russ could not refuse them, and thus allowed his warriors to undergo the dangerous process of becoming Space Marines. Though the vast majority of them died, two score managed to survive. Forming a new, elite company of warriors around these survivors, the other warriors of the VI Legion referred to these warriors as the "Greybeards". But the members of this company called themselves the "Wolf Brothers." Jorin joined the other Greybeards, forming the core cadre of the newly created Dekk-Tra (13th) Great Company, who were considered the most honourable Astartes of the Legion and the closest to their Primarch.