| - {| bgcolor="#D4F7FF" style="border:3px #B5F1FF solid; text-align: center; float:right; " width="20%" height="80%" ; | Name: [[]] Type: Alignment: Head Direction: Number of genders: Declensions: No Conjugations: No |}
- The Saba is a seed in FarmVille. It can only be planted in water plots on the Jade Falls farm. It requires File:Zen Point-icon.png zen points to unlock. It costs and can be harvested for and . It yields File:XP-icon.png experience when planted.
- Saba is the solution to the medium anagram clue: A BAS.
- See Saba (unofficial).
- the flag of Saba is a 2:3 flag with the dutch colours in a unique patern with a yellow star in the centre.
- Chercher "saba" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
- With the Troll Warzone update, he was replaced by Sabbot.
- Saba is twelve years old during the events of her story. She is very responsible and trustworthy. She has great respect for her elders, and tries hard to behave, though sometimes, she says and does things she regrets. Saba has a strong love and connection, with her family and risks much to help her brother, Mesfin, and grandmother, Emama. She is not very brave, but through the book, Saba finds herself becoming stronger and braver. Saba appreciates the little things in life, preferring her old worn sandals to fine slippers because they were the first shoes given to her, and they were given to her out of kindness. Despite Saba's lack of courage, she can be quite clever. Saba is also very spiritual and looks to the church in her palace for guidance and comfort.
- Saba is Balto and Jenna's daughter, and is also Aleu, Kodi, and Dingo's sister. She is voiced by Melanie Spore as a pup.
- Saba is an enchanted shortsword wielded by Tommy Oliver, the White Ranger. He had the ability to talk, project energy blasts from his eyes, and can fly. Saba also controlled the White Tigerzord, and inserting him into the control panel of the Zord allowed him to change into warrior mode. In this mode, Saba could take orders from Tommy, to include having the Zord emulate his movements. If stolen, however, Saba could be controlled by anyone (though against the sword's will), as Goldar forced him to fire on the Rangers, and Rita controlled the Tigerzord for a while.
- Saba ist eine Asiatische Elefantenkuh im schwedischen Zoo Kolmården. Saba wurde etwa 1968 wil geboren. Ihre Herkunft ist nicht bekannt. Über einen Tierhändler kam sie 1973 in den französischen Zoo Le Pal in Dompierre-sur-Besbre. Dort lebte sie über zwei Jahrzehnte allein, ehe sie mit der früher beim Circus Krone aktiven Accra am 17.11.1997 eine Gesellschafterin erhielt. Bis 2005 wurden die beiden Kühe im direkten Kontakt zu den Pflegern gehalten. In jenem Jahr wurde die Haltung auf geschützten Kontakt umgestellt zusammen mit der Schaffung einer neuen Elefantenanlage.