| - Charlie was one of the Toys of Power from the Devil's Toybox from the Dark Dimension. Unlike the other known toys, Charlie had a mind of his own and could control himself. Though he later claimed to be the favorite toy of Junior, the youngest of the Elder Gods, he was despised by him. According to Dr. Norrington, he used to call him "Creepy Charlie". Charlie first appeared in The Tomb of Sammun-Mak, when he was spat out from the Toybox and found by Sameth and Maximus, Sam and Max's great-grandparents. Their use of him was instrumental in retrieving the Toybox and preventing Papierwaite from using it to summon Yog-Soggoth. At the end of the adventure, the toys and Charlie were scattered among the city. A few months prior to Beyond the Alley of the Dolls, he contacted Momma Bosco and paid h
- Like many of the Toys of Power of the Devil's Toybox, Charlie was brought from the Dark Dimension by Yog-Soggoth in order to entertain his eldritch abomination grandson Junior. Charlie possessed the power to throw the user's voice into anything and at full psychic capacity, the ability to project anyone's voice. However, due to its creepy nature, Charlie was shunned by Junior.
| - Like many of the Toys of Power of the Devil's Toybox, Charlie was brought from the Dark Dimension by Yog-Soggoth in order to entertain his eldritch abomination grandson Junior. Charlie possessed the power to throw the user's voice into anything and at full psychic capacity, the ability to project anyone's voice. However, due to its creepy nature, Charlie was shunned by Junior. Charlie first appears in the second episode The Tomb of Sammun-Mak. In the reels showing the exploits of Sam and Max's ancestors Sameth and Maximus as they investigate the tomb on behalf of Anton Papierwaite, Charlie was in the possession of a mole girl believing him to be a perfect boyfriend substitute. Sameth and Maximus manage to get Charlie away from her and use its voice projection abilities to divert harm from them. Later, when Papierwaite attempted to force Maximus to summon Yog-Soggoth, Maximus used Charlie to trick Papierwaite into being victimized by his (unsuccessful) summoning.
- Charlie was one of the Toys of Power from the Devil's Toybox from the Dark Dimension. Unlike the other known toys, Charlie had a mind of his own and could control himself. Though he later claimed to be the favorite toy of Junior, the youngest of the Elder Gods, he was despised by him. According to Dr. Norrington, he used to call him "Creepy Charlie". Charlie first appeared in The Tomb of Sammun-Mak, when he was spat out from the Toybox and found by Sameth and Maximus, Sam and Max's great-grandparents. Their use of him was instrumental in retrieving the Toybox and preventing Papierwaite from using it to summon Yog-Soggoth. At the end of the adventure, the toys and Charlie were scattered among the city. A few months prior to Beyond the Alley of the Dolls, he contacted Momma Bosco and paid her a "gajillion" dollars to build a few hundred of her cloning tanks. He then used those tanks to create an army of Sam clones (he later explained to Sam that he used his DNA so the clones would be easy to control) and unleashed them onto the city to retrieve the Toys of Power. Once they were all gathered, Charlie revealed himself to be the Clone Master and had the Sam clones knock Sam and Max out. When Max woke up, Charlie had set up a nest in the torch of the Statue of Liberty, using Sam as a host and playing a piano, with the Devil's Toybox, with Max's toys inside it, and the Cthonic Destroyer by his side. In the top of the torch was a fetal-like Junior who was being fed Sam clones as part of a sacrifice to re-awaken him and bring the Dark Dimension to this reality, destroying this one in the process. When Max made his way up there with help from Norrington and Sam, Charlie ascended into the air to complete the ritual. When Norrington told Max that he had all the powers of the toys inside him, Max, his full psychic potential awakened, ascended into the air as well and entered a fight with Charlie. After being tricked into destroying the Toybox, Charlie was destroyed along with it and the other toys.