| - A relative to Fantastic Voyage Plot, except instead of traveling into another character's physical body via Applied Phlebotinum, they enter their mind. The problem this is supposed to solve can range from recurring nightmares to memory loss to psychological disorders, and even the odd Convenient Coma. Expect to see some psychological aspects of the character manifested as physical beings, a la Herman's Head (See Ghost in the Machine and Enemy Without). Since it lays bare all the innermost thoughts and feelings of a character, it can be used as an extreme case of the Big Ego, Hidden Depths or In Another Man's Shoes.
| - A relative to Fantastic Voyage Plot, except instead of traveling into another character's physical body via Applied Phlebotinum, they enter their mind. The problem this is supposed to solve can range from recurring nightmares to memory loss to psychological disorders, and even the odd Convenient Coma. Expect to see some psychological aspects of the character manifested as physical beings, a la Herman's Head (See Ghost in the Machine and Enemy Without). Since it lays bare all the innermost thoughts and feelings of a character, it can be used as an extreme case of the Big Ego, Hidden Depths or In Another Man's Shoes. Often the justification for a Mind Screw episode. A closely related plot is the one where the main characters enter the dreams of their sleeping cast mates or the Happy Place of comatose friends. If there's Mind Control involved, expect a Battle in the Center of the Mind to free their friend in an Orphean Rescue. Oddly, rarely shown as a malicious act when done by the heroes, despite being deeply personally invasive and usually without consent. This may be justifiable, however, if the owner of the mind would otherwise get/remain crazy/in a coma, or, in short, when serious issues are at stake. Less justifiable when done to solve minor issues. Compare the malicious version, Mind Probe, or a single person variant, the Vision Quest. Examples of Journey to the Center of the Mind include: