| - Level: Polearm/Spear 8 Spell Resistance: no Slamming your spear into your enemy's chest, you fling it with deific strength, riding it with your foe through the atmosphere and past the moon, dragging their face on it's rocky surface before circling around and slamming back into the planet with a devastating blast. Make a single attack against an enemy. If this attack hits you deal critical damage as well as an additional 10 damage per level (Max 200 damage), Unless the character succeeds in a successful fortitude saving throw DC:18+Strength modifier for 10d6+1 damage per level (Max+20). Creatures struck by this technique that fail their saving throw can be moved to any one space within 30 feet of the attacker.
- In the novel, the Baltimore Gun Club had fired a bullet shaped projectile into space, with three passengers. Their plan was to take a five day trip to the moon, but they encountered an asteroid a few minutes into their journey. The asteroid missed them and entered Earth's orbit, becoming a second moon. However, the asteroid sent them off course. They tried to land on the moon by readjusting their course by firing the rockets that were originally meant to deaden their landing. However, their plan was too late, and they fell from space back to Earth, into the sea. They are rescued by the USS Susquehanna, a United States Navy vessel, and are given a lavish homecoming party as the first people to successfully leave the Earth.
| - In the novel, the Baltimore Gun Club had fired a bullet shaped projectile into space, with three passengers. Their plan was to take a five day trip to the moon, but they encountered an asteroid a few minutes into their journey. The asteroid missed them and entered Earth's orbit, becoming a second moon. However, the asteroid sent them off course. They tried to land on the moon by readjusting their course by firing the rockets that were originally meant to deaden their landing. However, their plan was too late, and they fell from space back to Earth, into the sea. They are rescued by the USS Susquehanna, a United States Navy vessel, and are given a lavish homecoming party as the first people to successfully leave the Earth. In the late 1880s, while Clara was pregnant with Jules, Doc Brown read Around the Moon in front of the fireplace of their home. Several years later, on June 12, 1893, when Doc's first attempt at returning to the future in the Jules Verne train failed, Clara reminded him that even the Baltimore Gun Club made mistakes. She believed that they tried their trip again, and succeeded due to the knowledge they gained from their unsuccessful first trip.
- Level: Polearm/Spear 8 Spell Resistance: no Slamming your spear into your enemy's chest, you fling it with deific strength, riding it with your foe through the atmosphere and past the moon, dragging their face on it's rocky surface before circling around and slamming back into the planet with a devastating blast. Make a single attack against an enemy. If this attack hits you deal critical damage as well as an additional 10 damage per level (Max 200 damage), Unless the character succeeds in a successful fortitude saving throw DC:18+Strength modifier for 10d6+1 damage per level (Max+20). Creatures struck by this technique that fail their saving throw can be moved to any one space within 30 feet of the attacker. Empower: By spending an additional technique per day, you can move your base land speed as a free action as soon as the technique ends taking no attacks of opportunity.