| - The scene begins with Misch watching a teleprinter print out a telegram from Göring. After the message was printed, Misch tears it off and tells Traudl to bring it to Martin Bormann. She comes out of Misch's room and does what she's told to do. Bormann thanks her, then reads it. A few seconds later, he jumps off his seat and promptly heads to the the adjacent room, with Traudl looking at him with a disconcerted face. In contrast, Goebbels thinks that Göring wants to seize power, and stated that he never trusted the mob he gathered at Obersalzberg. He then comments "It stinks of a coup."
| - The scene begins with Misch watching a teleprinter print out a telegram from Göring. After the message was printed, Misch tears it off and tells Traudl to bring it to Martin Bormann. She comes out of Misch's room and does what she's told to do. Bormann thanks her, then reads it. A few seconds later, he jumps off his seat and promptly heads to the the adjacent room, with Traudl looking at him with a disconcerted face. He enters Hitler's private room, and informs him he has a message from Göring. Hitler gives permission to proceed with a simple "Ja." Bormann goes on to read the message, telling him that because Hitler wanted to stay in Berlin, Göring asked for permission to become vice chancellor, so he can take control of the Third Reich with the "necessary power and authority". He goes on that if he doesn't get a response by 10:00 that night, he will assume that Hitler is incapacitated, and finishes that he will serve the well being of the people and the fatherland. Bormann sums up the news: Göring betrayed him and Germany. Hewel comments that Göring's point isn't unjustified, because the communications system could break down at any time, and that would make them lose contact with the rest of the world, so they couldn't pass off orders. In contrast, Goebbels thinks that Göring wants to seize power, and stated that he never trusted the mob he gathered at Obersalzberg. He then comments "It stinks of a coup." Then, Hitler starts twitching while saying "That loser...", then builds up his voice to the point where he calls him a lazybones. While he is ranting, Speer arrives, and greets Traudl. She asks him about his trip to Berlin, and he tells her that it wasn't easy, and that he must meet with the Führer. Then Linge recommends that he wait for a little while. Meanwhile, Hitler asks what he did with the Luftwaffe, and yells that it's enough to get Göring executed. Then, he rants that the morphine addict corrupted Germany, and mutters "And now this..." before stating that he betrayed him; while twitching, he cries out, "Me of all people!". Goebbels stares at the ground before Hitler finally declares that he wants Göring to be deprived of power and removed from office, and states that if he doesn't survive the war, Göring will be executed.