| - This is a much darker take on the usual Momma's Boy story. The villain is a basement-dwelling, creepy, perverted sociopath with nothing but contempt for his chosen target villain group (almost always women). Rather than give the character just any Freudian Excuse, the creators have decided to give the character a mother who is unstable, cruel, demanding, possessive, controlling, and sometimes outright insane. She isn't the Evil Matriarch... she isn't a true villain in her own right. But she's twisted her son's psyche from birth through years and years of psychological and physical abuse. Bonus points if the relationship is incestuous.
| - This is a much darker take on the usual Momma's Boy story. The villain is a basement-dwelling, creepy, perverted sociopath with nothing but contempt for his chosen target villain group (almost always women). Rather than give the character just any Freudian Excuse, the creators have decided to give the character a mother who is unstable, cruel, demanding, possessive, controlling, and sometimes outright insane. She isn't the Evil Matriarch... she isn't a true villain in her own right. But she's twisted her son's psyche from birth through years and years of psychological and physical abuse. Bonus points if the relationship is incestuous. While it is rare, having the Mommy Issues actually be Daddy Issues is just as possible. Usually this is reserved for female characters, however. Sadly, this is sometimes Truth in Television. A subtrope of Freudian Excuse, almost always reserved for characters who are sexual deviants of one stripe or another, or else Serial Killers. Compare Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas. For the other type of Mommy or Daddy Issues, see "Well Done, Son" Guy. Examples of Mommy Issues include: