| - thumb|Tomohito Nishiura Tomohito Nishiura (西浦 智仁; Nishiura Tomohito) ist ein japanischer Komponist und der Hauptkomponist der Professor Layton-Spiele. Er arbeitet hauptsächlich an Level-5 Spielen.
- Nishiura has, before the arrival of the professor, been known for previous works with Level-5. He has worked on Level-5's gaming music for the past 14 years. Tomohito Nishiura was first recognized for his brilliant composing of music back in 1997, when he made some of the sound effects for the game Over Blood 2. Akihiro Hino, president of Level-5, thanked Nishiura, because Nishiura's style of music was noticed by many mainstream developers during this time, and due to this, Level-5 became its own independent company. He was offered the job of Head of the Audio Department at Level-5, he accepted, and now, he is one of the most respected musical minds in gaming. With this position, Tomohito Nishiura eventaully began to make full masterpieces, and struck gold with one of the first PlayStation 2 RPG's, the game in question being Level 5's Dark Cloud in 2000. Dark Cloud had a glorious soundtrack that focused on the roots of musical entertainment in previous RPG's. Nishiura had many sounds that could be produced with his music as he expanded upon the ideas he had for previous works. Eventually, since he was the head of the Audio Department, he also had to perform many sound effects as well as programming sounds. Later on in 2002, Dark Cloud 2, Nishiura was able to perform more music, as he was able to pass some of the sound design to some of his employees rather than himself. Thus, Dark Cloud 2, had a very vibrant and glorious score. Nishiura also has performed on many different games such as Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King and White Knight Chronicles.