A sacred bit of technology given directly to man from God, RFID (radio frequency identification doohickey) allows employers to watch everything their employees do up to and including steal and view internets porn. This article is a stub. You can get a Tip of the Hat* from Stephen by adding only truthiness to it.*Tip of the Hat not guaranteed.
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| - A sacred bit of technology given directly to man from God, RFID (radio frequency identification doohickey) allows employers to watch everything their employees do up to and including steal and view internets porn. This article is a stub. You can get a Tip of the Hat* from Stephen by adding only truthiness to it.*Tip of the Hat not guaranteed.
- RFID chips store information and allow humans and animals implanted with it to be tracked. RFID chips are already used in retail merchandise to track inventory and prevent theft. See NAIS for more information on how the US Government is pushing RFID chips to track all American farm animals. The National Farm Animal Identification System is already mandatory in some states.Links
- RFID (an acronym for Radio Frequency IDentification) is an automatic identification technology, similar in concept to a bar code. It is
- RFID ist die Abkürzung von Radio Frequency Identification und meint eine technische Methode der Datenspeicherung und der Identifizierung per Funksignal. Bekannt geworden ist der Begriff vor allem durch die Nutzung von RFID-Chips in Kundenkarten und zur Warenkennzeichnung im Handel.
- The term Radio Frequency Identification defines that a product can be located or identified using Radio waves.
- Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is the use of a tag applied to or attached onto a product, animal, or person for the purpose of identification and tracking using radio wave technology. Some tags can be read from several meters away and beyond the line of sight of the reader. There are a variety of groups defining standards and regulating the use of RFID, including: International Organization for Standardization (ISO), International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), ASTM International, DASH7 Alliance, EPCglobal. (Refer to Regulation and standardization below.)
- RFID --- (англ. Radio Frequency IDentification, радиочастотная идентификация) — метод автоматической идентификации объектов, в котором посредством радиосигналов считываются или записываются данные, хранящиеся в так называемых транспондерах, или RFID-метках. Любая RFID-система состоит из считывающего устройства (считыватель, ридер или интеррогатор) и транспондера (он же RFID-метка, иногда также применяется термин RFID-тег).
- Document Type and Number: United States Patent 7461781 Abstract: An identification tag (100) facilitates use of a secure computer system (300). The tag (100) is adapted to be worn on a user's wrist and includes an identification and registration circuit (102) that includes an identification component (106), an affiliation component (110), and a light-emitting diode (112). The computer system includes an RF identification tag registration device (302) operable to acquire user physical information and communicate the physical information to a computer (202), wherein the computer verifies that a valid user is wearing the tag (100). The identification and registration device (302) ensures that the physical information communicated to the computer pertains to the user wearing the tag by compari
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| - A sacred bit of technology given directly to man from God, RFID (radio frequency identification doohickey) allows employers to watch everything their employees do up to and including steal and view internets porn. This article is a stub. You can get a Tip of the Hat* from Stephen by adding only truthiness to it.*Tip of the Hat not guaranteed.
- Document Type and Number: United States Patent 7461781 Abstract: An identification tag (100) facilitates use of a secure computer system (300). The tag (100) is adapted to be worn on a user's wrist and includes an identification and registration circuit (102) that includes an identification component (106), an affiliation component (110), and a light-emitting diode (112). The computer system includes an RF identification tag registration device (302) operable to acquire user physical information and communicate the physical information to a computer (202), wherein the computer verifies that a valid user is wearing the tag (100). The identification and registration device (302) ensures that the physical information communicated to the computer pertains to the user wearing the tag by comparing pulse signals acquired from the user's hand and wrist as the device (302) is acquiring physical information. The computer (202) uses the identification information and the affiliation information to log the user into and out of the system (300), and to associate the identification information with a particular user.
- RFID chips store information and allow humans and animals implanted with it to be tracked. RFID chips are already used in retail merchandise to track inventory and prevent theft. See NAIS for more information on how the US Government is pushing RFID chips to track all American farm animals. The National Farm Animal Identification System is already mandatory in some states.Links
- RFID (an acronym for Radio Frequency IDentification) is an automatic identification technology, similar in concept to a bar code. It is
- RFID --- (англ. Radio Frequency IDentification, радиочастотная идентификация) — метод автоматической идентификации объектов, в котором посредством радиосигналов считываются или записываются данные, хранящиеся в так называемых транспондерах, или RFID-метках. Любая RFID-система состоит из считывающего устройства (считыватель, ридер или интеррогатор) и транспондера (он же RFID-метка, иногда также применяется термин RFID-тег). Большинство RFID-меток состоит из двух частей. Первая — интегральная схема (ИС) для хранения и обработки информации, модулирования и демодулирования радиочастотного (RF) сигнала и некоторых других функций. Вторая — антенна для приёма и передачи сигнала. C введением RFID-меток в повседневную жизнь связан ряд проблем. Например, потребители, не обладающие считывателями, не всегда могут обнаружить метки, прикрепленные к товару на этапе производства и упаковки, и избавиться от них. Хотя при продаже, как правило, такие метки уничтожаются, сам факт их наличия вызывает опасения у правозащитных и религиозных организаций. Уже известные приложения RFID (бесконтактные смарт-карты в системах контроля управления доступом и в платёжных системах) получают дополнительную популярность с развитием интернет-услуг.
- RFID ist die Abkürzung von Radio Frequency Identification und meint eine technische Methode der Datenspeicherung und der Identifizierung per Funksignal. Bekannt geworden ist der Begriff vor allem durch die Nutzung von RFID-Chips in Kundenkarten und zur Warenkennzeichnung im Handel.
- Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is the use of a tag applied to or attached onto a product, animal, or person for the purpose of identification and tracking using radio wave technology. Some tags can be read from several meters away and beyond the line of sight of the reader. There are generally three types of RFID tags: active RFID tags, which contain a battery and can transmit signals autonomously, passive RFID tags, which have no battery and require an external source to provoke signal transmission, and battery assisted passive (BAP) RFID tags, which require an external source to wake up but have significant higher forward link capability providing greater range. There are a variety of groups defining standards and regulating the use of RFID, including: International Organization for Standardization (ISO), International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), ASTM International, DASH7 Alliance, EPCglobal. (Refer to Regulation and standardization below.) RFID has many applications; for example, it is used in enterprise supply chain management to improve the efficiency of inventory tracking and management.
- The term Radio Frequency Identification defines that a product can be located or identified using Radio waves.