| - Tyndall: Warrior, the marauding impostor Agents are harassing our operatives with increased frequency. Once of our teams near your location is under attack by unidentified assailants--Commander Lock believes that there may be more of these fake Agents. We need you to get in there, destroy the attackers and get our Zion team to safety! Operator: The team is in that building. Help them fight off the attackers, then get them to an extraction point. Operator: Ah! It's the Zion team. Looks like you got in there just in time! Adele: Who the heck are those guys with the bandannas on their faces? Enceladus: Those masked nuts showed up out of nowhere! Now that you're here, we should be able to take them out. Brest: Ah, the smell of danger. Invigorating, isn't it? Tyndall: Who could those masked thugs be? And what's this "sleep" they're talking about? Operator: Excellent work getting the team out of danger. I knew you could do it! Operator: Goals for this area are complete. Find the nearest exit quickly! ? Tyndall: I'm updating your waypoint with the location of the extraction point. You're doing we so far, but stay alert! Zion's enemies may attack any time. Operator: You're in the extraction point's building now. Operator: You can leave the area, the extraction team will get them back to Zion. [met with extraction team, which at least included a Zion Upgrade Master ] Operator: Goals for this area are complete. Find the nearest exit quickly! Zion Upgrade Master: Did you bring Adele, Enceladus and Brest? They're due for extraction back to Zion. Adele: Thanks! Brest: Ugh, there's nothing to do in Zion except sleep and eat. Boring! Enceladus: Come look us up when you get back to Zion. We'll see about forming a mission team together. Tyndall: Great work, warrior. Between those crazy masked men and false Agents, Zion really has it's hand full these days. We're fortunate to have operatives like you championing our cause. Contact me when you are ready for your next assignment. [Mission Completed]
* Episode 1.2: "Why Won't They Give Up His Remains?"