| - Adamantoise is a Final Fantasy-series creation, first appearing in Final Fantasy II (1988). Adamantoises, sometimes translated as Adamantaimai, have appeared in Final Fantasy II, III, IV, V, VII, VIII, IX, X, and XIII, as well as many Final Fantasy games outside the numbered line. Its name is based on the words "adamant" and "tortoise". A tortoise is a land turtle.
| - Adamantoise is a Final Fantasy-series creation, first appearing in Final Fantasy II (1988). Adamantoises, sometimes translated as Adamantaimai, have appeared in Final Fantasy II, III, IV, V, VII, VIII, IX, X, and XIII, as well as many Final Fantasy games outside the numbered line. Its name is based on the words "adamant" and "tortoise". As a verb, "adamant" describes anyone with unshakable determination. As a noun, adamant refers to any impenetrable substance. In mythology, adamantine substances are capable of harming or binding even the gods. For example, in Greek mythology, Cronos uses an adamantine sickle to castrate his father, Ouranos (Uranus), and the Greek pit, Tartarus, is sealed with columns of adamant. In Norse mythology, Loki is shackled with adamantine chains. Adamant is derived from the Greek word "adamas" meaning "unconquerable". A tortoise is a land turtle.