| - The "Skinning" is a feature which helps the player to get Leathers and other Creature Products. To use this feature you need an Obsidian Knife, which can be obtained in the Obsidian Knife Quest.
- The Skinning skill allows you to remove the skin and hide of slain creatures.
- Skinning is a feature which helps players to obtain leather and other Creature Products, which can then be used to receive Outfits and Addons. To use this feature you need an Obsidian Knife, which can be obtained in the Obsidian Knife Quest.
- Skinning allows players to gather leather, Hides and scales by skinning certain mobs (beasts, dragonkin, Silithid, and, very rarely, humanoids). Not all mobs of each type can be skinned, e.g. birds cannot be skinned despite being beasts. Leather, hides and scales are used for leatherworking. Leather is also used for some blacksmithing, engineering, and tailoring recipes. More information can be found on WoWWiki.http://www.wowwiki.com/Skinning
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- Skinning a Visitor is a punishment meted out to traitors. It is unknown whether that means removing its cloned human flesh or its own flesh. It is also unknown whether this is a torturous capital punishment or merely torture. Given that the cloned human flesh appears to be connected to the Visitors' nervous system, even just removing the cloned flesh, while not fatal, would still feel like being skinned alive. According to Ryan, a V can only survive for thirty minutes after being skinned, implying that the nervous system is not just the connection between human skin and V flesh.
- Many companies provide skins for programs to do with their product, so I think it's time Firefox takes the same approach. The aim of this project is too make the Firefox logo so common over the world, on different application, people recognize it; perhaps as an international brand.
- Skinning maakt de speler mogelijk leer te verzamelen van bepaalde mobs door ze te villen. Categorie:Profession
- Skinning pointers: File:Pointer skin on 32x32.png in range of skinnable corpse File:Pointer skin off 32x32.png out of range of skinnable corpse A skinner can skin corpses that were killed by other characters as long the corpse has been looted and the other character has not skinned it already. Unlike mining and herb gathering, skinning is frequently practiced, thus skinners will typically be able to skin creatures much higher level than they can kill.
- Skinningは、動物の皮を剥ぎLeatherとHideを集めることができます。 LeatherとHideはLeatherworkingで大量に必要になり、 Blacksmithing、Engineering、Tailoringの一部のレシピでも各Leatherが必要になるでしょう。 通常はLeatherworkingと組み合わせて自分で材料として使うか Leatherworkingは取らずにHerbalismやMiningのどちらかと組み合わせ、AHで売ってお金を稼ぐという使い方が多いようです。 HerbalismとMiningだとMini MapのレーダーがかぶってしまうのでどちらかをSkinningにするというわけです。
- Skinningillä pelaaja voi nylkeä eläinkuntaan kuuluvilta vastustajilta nahkan sen tappamisen ja loottaamisen jälkeen. Skinning liittyy hyvin tiukasti Leatherworking ammattiin. Nahkaa voidaan käyttää myös muissa ammateissa, ja sitä voidaan myös joskus käyttää rahanlähteenä.
- Skinning is a new mechanic introduced into Far Cry 3. It is used to obtain animal skins in order to craft or to sell.
- Knives are bought from Roki - Woodsman in Pokari.
* Novice Knife - Buy for 75 Bronze, Used on Jaqisac Hoppers, Bumbaa Boars, and Blueback Knucklers
* Apprentice Knife - Buy for 2 Silver 75 Bronze, Used on Stout Tigers, Timberline Bruinfists, and Firemane Bulls
* Gatherer Knife - Buy for 2 Silver 75 Bronze, Used on Cloudwisk Captains, Giant Gators, and Tusko Rampagers
* Worker Knife - Buy for 2 Silver 50 Bronze, Used on Shaodu Cub and Hairy Pink Rhino
* Expert Knife - Buy for 2 Silver 25 Bronze, Use is unknown
* Master Knife - Buy for 2 Silver 25 Bronze, Use is unknown
- Skinning can be performed on any tombstone after killing a monster. Skinning can only be attempted once per tombstone whether you fail or succeed. Skillups only happen when you succeed. To skin:
* equip the skinner,
* unsheathe the skinner,
* then left-click on the tombstone. Skinning gives various reagents depending on the monster. Some common drops from skinning are:
- Skórowanie pozwala graczom na pozyskiwanie skór, futra i łusek poprzez oskórowywanie stworów (bestii, demonicznych bestii, smoczego pomiotu, silithidów, niektórych nerubian oraz, aczkolwiek bardzo rzadko, hominidów). Nie wszyscy wrogowie danego typu mogą zostać oskórowani, np. ptaki, mimo że są bestiami, nie mogą posłużyć do pozyskiwania surowców. Skórę, futro i łuski można użyć w kuśnierstwie, jak również w przepisach kowalskich, inżynierskich oraz krawieckich. Skórowanie daje również graczowi umiejętność [Master of Anatomy], pasywny bonus do ciosu krytycznego.