#145 is the one-hundred forty-fifth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
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- El ciento cuarenta y cinco (145) es el número natural que sigue al 144 y precede al 146. Categoría:Números
- #145 is the one-hundred forty-fifth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
- The number 145 can refer to:
* Puzzle 500 Pearls from Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box
* Puzzle Time Cards from Professor Layton and the Unwound Future
* Puzzle Planet Cube from Professor Layton and the Last Specter
* Puzzle Merry-Go-Tiles 2 from Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask
* Puzzle Riddle-Me-Key from Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy
- Number 145 was an item on The List.
- [[Plik:Marsa (autobus 145) 2.JPG|right|thumb|250px|Autobus MAN NG363 Lion's City G na linii 145 na ul. Marsa (2012)]] 145 – linia autobusowa zwykła (rozkład jazdy), która kursuje na trasie z Żerania FSO na Wiatraczną. Linię obsługują zajezdnia autobusowa Stalowa i zajezdnia autobusowa Ostrobramska.
- Jenny schafft es, dass das Fernsehteam ausgerechnet während Diana Abwesenheit auftaucht. Sie ergreift die Gelegenheit und setzt sich selbst in Szene. Simone durchschaut Jennys Plan und versucht, Diana per Telefon über den Dreh zu informieren... Nadja und Ben planen einen gemütlichen Abend zusammen mit Mike. Wenig später lädt Ingo ihn zu einem Männerabend ein. Nadja entbindet ihn kurzerhand von seinen familiären Verpflichtungen und schickt ihn zu den Jungs. Mike genießt den Abend in vollen Zügen und als Petra Wilke auftaucht, scheint der Abend für Mike noch interessanter zu werden. Nina traut sich nicht, Dieter zu sagen, dass er versehentlich Ecstasy geschluckt hat. Aus Sorge behält sie ihn aber permanent im Auge.
- This is the 145th episode of the game, and the 5th episode in the 140s column.
- Laura visits David in his room; she says he is looking too much at the painting and avoiding spending time with her. David says he has a feeling the painting was meant for him, that it means something... like a warning. Laura threatens Sam and tells him not to paint. He insists he is compelled to paint even though he doesn't want to. Laura appears to understand what's happening to Sam, although she denies it when he presses the matter. She reveals that David has formed a strange attachment to the first painting, then orders Sam to destroy the new one. He tries but he can't.
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- El ciento cuarenta y cinco (145) es el número natural que sigue al 144 y precede al 146. Categoría:Números
- #145 is the one-hundred forty-fifth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
- The number 145 can refer to:
* Puzzle 500 Pearls from Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box
* Puzzle Time Cards from Professor Layton and the Unwound Future
* Puzzle Planet Cube from Professor Layton and the Last Specter
* Puzzle Merry-Go-Tiles 2 from Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask
* Puzzle Riddle-Me-Key from Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy
- Laura visits David in his room; she says he is looking too much at the painting and avoiding spending time with her. David says he has a feeling the painting was meant for him, that it means something... like a warning. Laura tries to convince David that he has a vivid imagination, and says he shouldn't let it run away. He tells her about his nightmare in which her face emerged from the painting. David wants to be alone and refuses to take a walk with his mother, who is clearly upset over the feelings David has toward the painting. Meantime at the Evans Cottage, Sam avoids painting because he can only paint one thing, Laura Collins in flames. He leaves to get some fresh air, and Maggie takes a look at his new painting. Laura shows up to see Sam, and tells Maggie that the cottage hasn't changed in ten years. She tries to sneak a peek at Sam's new portrait, but Maggie prevents her, grilling Laura instead. She wants to know why her father seems to have an obsession with Laura, drawing her face into everything. Laura admits that's the reason for her visit: to get an explanation from Sam himself. Sam returns, startled to see Laura. Maggie departs to meet Joe, leaving Laura and Sam alone to talk. Laura demands answers, which Sam can't provide. Laura threatens Sam and tells him not to paint. He insists he is compelled to paint even though he doesn't want to. Laura appears to understand what's happening to Sam, although she denies it when he presses the matter. She reveals that David has formed a strange attachment to the first painting, then orders Sam to destroy the new one. He tries but he can't. Later that evening, Maggie and Joe find the cottage empty. Maggie worries about Sam and laments her life as her father's permanent nursemaid. She fantasizes about skipping town and Joe kisses her. They go to find Sam. At Collinwood, Laura checks on David who is tossing in his sleep. She stares at the painting for a moment before heading back downstairs. Maggie and Joe bring Sam home, drunk. He lays on the couch. Laura stares into the fire. Sam falls asleep, and his cigarette drops to the floor. Smoke billows.
- Number 145 was an item on The List.
- [[Plik:Marsa (autobus 145) 2.JPG|right|thumb|250px|Autobus MAN NG363 Lion's City G na linii 145 na ul. Marsa (2012)]] 145 – linia autobusowa zwykła (rozkład jazdy), która kursuje na trasie z Żerania FSO na Wiatraczną. Linię obsługują zajezdnia autobusowa Stalowa i zajezdnia autobusowa Ostrobramska.
- Jenny schafft es, dass das Fernsehteam ausgerechnet während Diana Abwesenheit auftaucht. Sie ergreift die Gelegenheit und setzt sich selbst in Szene. Simone durchschaut Jennys Plan und versucht, Diana per Telefon über den Dreh zu informieren... Nadja und Ben planen einen gemütlichen Abend zusammen mit Mike. Wenig später lädt Ingo ihn zu einem Männerabend ein. Nadja entbindet ihn kurzerhand von seinen familiären Verpflichtungen und schickt ihn zu den Jungs. Mike genießt den Abend in vollen Zügen und als Petra Wilke auftaucht, scheint der Abend für Mike noch interessanter zu werden. Nina traut sich nicht, Dieter zu sagen, dass er versehentlich Ecstasy geschluckt hat. Aus Sorge behält sie ihn aber permanent im Auge.
- This is the 145th episode of the game, and the 5th episode in the 140s column.
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