| - Ancient pacts sworn between the Adeptus Mechanicus and the Adeptus Astartes allow Space Marine Chapters to send those warriors with an affinity for technology to Mars to train and begin the long, arduous journey of becoming a priest of the Machine God. Without the passing on of such ancient technological lore, the Space Marines would be unable to make war. To begin his tutelage, a Techmarine-nominate takes ship to Mars. Bearing silvered seals of introduction, he passes through the Red Planet's Ring of Iron and deep into the hidden Forge Cities of the Mars. Here he is immersed in the ancient and jealously guarded lore of the Adeptus Mechanicus. He learns to master the tools of the Techmarine, which will allow him to visit miracles upon sundered technology. Few are the harms that a Techmarine cannot make hale; he can fix minor weapon malfunctions with but a deft touch and, given time and appropriate facilities, bring wrecked and ruined battle tanks back to life. Aspiring Techmarines train for 30 standard years on Mars, steeping themselves in rites of activation and hymnals of maintenance; how to call forth a Machine Spirit or placate its wrath. Techmarines return to their Chapter as aloof and mysterious figures steeped in superstitious awe. Much of the Techmarine's work is carried out in the foundries and workshops on Titan, yet he is no stranger to war. Such is the Techmarine's skill that he can effect all but the most difficult of repairs amidst the howling furies of battle. Hunched alone beside a wounded machine, his mind concentrated on the task at hand, a Techmarine might appear to be easy prey, save for the array of cutters, welders and Servo-arms at his command. Though primarily intended for repair, these tools can annihilate attackers just as easily.