All split up, North and South, and let me tell you something else, General MacArthur was the best thing that ever has happened to this country, I cried when he gave his farewell address, over the radio, mind you, 'cause television was relatively new back then, didn't have the technology of today, we didn't have microwaves either, or Pop Tarts, or Playboy, or muffins, or candy, or the moon! I remember when Americans discovered the moon for the first time back in the 50's it was, and Kennedy swore he'd get us there, and he did, by gum, chewing gum!
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| - All split up, North and South, and let me tell you something else, General MacArthur was the best thing that ever has happened to this country, I cried when he gave his farewell address, over the radio, mind you, 'cause television was relatively new back then, didn't have the technology of today, we didn't have microwaves either, or Pop Tarts, or Playboy, or muffins, or candy, or the moon! I remember when Americans discovered the moon for the first time back in the 50's it was, and Kennedy swore he'd get us there, and he did, by gum, chewing gum!
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| - Uncyclopedia has an audio version of this incoherent rambling.
| - All split up, North and South, and let me tell you something else, General MacArthur was the best thing that ever has happened to this country, I cried when he gave his farewell address, over the radio, mind you, 'cause television was relatively new back then, didn't have the technology of today, we didn't have microwaves either, or Pop Tarts, or Playboy, or muffins, or candy, or the moon! I remember when Americans discovered the moon for the first time back in the 50's it was, and Kennedy swore he'd get us there, and he did, by gum, chewing gum!