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MSN (originally the Microsoft Network) is a collection of internet sites provided by the Micrsoft Corporation.

  • Msn
  • MSN
  • MSN
  • MSN
  • MSN
  • MSN
  • Msn
  • Msn
  • MSN (originally the Microsoft Network) is a collection of internet sites provided by the Micrsoft Corporation.
  • MSN is a protocol designed by Microsoft. Miranda implements the protocol through the MSN Plugin. Some features (and lacking features): * Avatar support (see plugin page) * Status messages (even for 'Online' status) This protocol does _not_ support: * Offline messaging * Extra statuses, such as 'Free for a Chat', 'DND - Do Not Disturb'
  • 大硬公司出品的一款即时通讯软件,让你在上班的时候摸鱼,在“工作用联络软件”的外壳保护下尽情讨论河蟹话题,而不像腾逊的QQ那样被指定为是聊天;这实际上只是公司统治者偏见而已。
  • Hvorofor i helvete hakke noen lagd denne siden? hvertfall her er definisjonen: msn er noe alle ungdommer er avhengige av, sammen med øl, rusbrus og tobakk. hvis du tar msn fra en ungdom vil han begynne å skrike og banne helt til han får den tilbake.. hvis en ungdom går uten msn en månede så får han grønne prikker i skrittet og ansiktet
  • Inspired by msn explorer.
  • Microsoft Network
  • MSN is the New CELLLLLPHONE! but without the Tumours! and the british pastries bomb cakes that explode! == HIDAN IS A PERVERT! says: yeah.. Plumba blue - A Pirate - The Murderer - MasterofAfter2007 says: ...XDD Plumba blue - A Pirate - The Murderer - MasterofAfter2007 says: * Copies* Becca-chan desu! The secret's out! HIDAN IS A PERVERT! says: oh my == WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
  • MSN is the New CELLLLLPHONE! but without the Tumours! and the british pastries bomb cakes that explode!
  • Samlestedet på nettet for asosiale ungdommer hvor de snakker om sine problemer. Mange av disse ungdommene finner også en potensiell kjæreste på dette nettstedet, og elsker hverandre nesten før de har blitt sammen, uten å ha sett kisen/dama. Den vaneligste årsaken til at disse kjærlighetsforholdene tar slutt, er at kisen/dama viser seg å være en 60 år gammel lærkledd gubbe. From Ikkepedia , a Wikia wiki.
  • An exclusive interview with Lady Gaga was posted on the MSN Canada site.
  • [[Archivo:Msn_gaby.jpg|thumb|300px|Gaby mira la pantalla del MSN y, desahuciado, parece pensar "Me parece que por este 2009 bajamos la persiana." ]] "Háganse un favor, no usen el zorrito." Pete Sampras, sobre el uso del MSN.
  • MSN is Microsoft's portal, offering news, sports, money, games, videos, entertainment, weather, shopping and other content.
  • The slippery-slop chat program was put together by a group of homosexual lawyers from a gay communist organization located somewhere in Florida (the US government of course knows where it's located, but aren't seeking any immediate action) Instead, they're working on a tentative plan to cut Florida off and away from the rest of continent and replace it with an Americanized Japan. (who actually have "secret" ties with the Cuban government ((which are not really secret because nothing can be kept secret form US government))
  • Il y a aussi les pages perso, pour fillettes boutonneuses amoureuses de Tokio Hotel ou de chanteurs encore mal connus voire ringards avant d'être célèbres. Le produit existe depuis les dinosaures, qui ont pas eu le réflexe de s'en servir pour dire que la fin de leur ère arrivait. Il faut avoir un ordinateur, chose pas drôle qui plante tout le temps pour pouvoir s'en servir. et surtout être prêt à comprendre les mails que le service "technique" envoie quand ça plante (chaque jour pour ainsi dire). Le plus sympathique avec MSN, c'est qu'il permet de recevoir, via la boite email de Microsoft (Hotmail) de nombreuses chaines de lettres et de message sans doute très officiels du style :
  • Microsoft has used the 'MSN' brand for a wide variety of products and services over the years, such as Hotmail (which is now Outlook.com), Messenger (which has been replaced by Skype) and its search engine (which is now Bing).
  • MSN은 영어 마이크로소프트 네트워크(Microsoft Network)의 줄임말이다. 마이크로소프트가 1995년 윈도95와 함께 출시한 대화형 온라인 통신 서비스이자 인터넷 포털사이트이다. 출시될 무렵에는 윈도95에 포함된 인터넷 접속용 프로그램에 지나지 않았으나, 이후 전세계 통신망을 하나로 묶을 수 있는 대화형 인터넷 포털사이트로 성장하였다. 1996년 뉴스 채널인 MSNBC를 설립한 뒤, 이듬해에는 무료 웹메일 서비스인 핫메일 서비스를 시작하면서 전세계로 영역을 확장하였다. 이듬해 3월 영국·프랑스·독일에 처음으로 로컬 사이트를 개설한 데 이어, 오스트리아·오스트레일리아·벨기에·말레이시아·싱가포르를 거쳐 2000년에는 한국·홍콩·타이완에 사이트를 개설하는 등 2004년 현재 세계 39개국에 17개 언어로 된 사이트가 개설되어 있다. 대표적 서비스는 메신저·핫메일·모바일메신저·MSN홈피와 같은 커뮤니케이션 서비스이다. 그밖에 인터넷 뉴스그룹 접속을 통한 뉴스·증권·스포츠·일기예보·제품정보 서비스, 도서정보와 같은 정보검색 서비스, 마이크로소프트 데이터베이스 및 고객 서비스, 기술지원 서비스 등 다양하다.
  • MSN was largely re-branded in 2006 when Microsoft overhauled its online software and services in a climate of increasing competition from rivals such as Gargole, Yak who? and Skip. In the United States, this is just a content provider and search engine. It is additionally a ISP (ice-cream sucker party). With 9 subscribers, MSN is the second largest ice-cream sucker party in the US behind AOL suckers service with 26.5 people, the .5 being a Hobbit by the name of Fredrika.
  • Jean-Paul Bizet
wikipage disambiguates
  • MSN (originally the Microsoft Network) is a collection of internet sites provided by the Micrsoft Corporation.
  • MSN is a protocol designed by Microsoft. Miranda implements the protocol through the MSN Plugin. Some features (and lacking features): * Avatar support (see plugin page) * Status messages (even for 'Online' status) This protocol does _not_ support: * Offline messaging * Extra statuses, such as 'Free for a Chat', 'DND - Do Not Disturb'
  • 大硬公司出品的一款即时通讯软件,让你在上班的时候摸鱼,在“工作用联络软件”的外壳保护下尽情讨论河蟹话题,而不像腾逊的QQ那样被指定为是聊天;这实际上只是公司统治者偏见而已。
  • Hvorofor i helvete hakke noen lagd denne siden? hvertfall her er definisjonen: msn er noe alle ungdommer er avhengige av, sammen med øl, rusbrus og tobakk. hvis du tar msn fra en ungdom vil han begynne å skrike og banne helt til han får den tilbake.. hvis en ungdom går uten msn en månede så får han grønne prikker i skrittet og ansiktet
  • Inspired by msn explorer.
  • Microsoft Network
  • MSN is the New CELLLLLPHONE! but without the Tumours! and the british pastries bomb cakes that explode! == HIDAN IS A PERVERT! says: yeah.. Plumba blue - A Pirate - The Murderer - MasterofAfter2007 says: ...XDD Plumba blue - A Pirate - The Murderer - MasterofAfter2007 says: * Copies* Becca-chan desu! The secret's out! HIDAN IS A PERVERT! says: oh my == WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
  • MSN is the New CELLLLLPHONE! but without the Tumours! and the british pastries bomb cakes that explode!
  • Samlestedet på nettet for asosiale ungdommer hvor de snakker om sine problemer. Mange av disse ungdommene finner også en potensiell kjæreste på dette nettstedet, og elsker hverandre nesten før de har blitt sammen, uten å ha sett kisen/dama. Den vaneligste årsaken til at disse kjærlighetsforholdene tar slutt, er at kisen/dama viser seg å være en 60 år gammel lærkledd gubbe. From Ikkepedia , a Wikia wiki.
  • An exclusive interview with Lady Gaga was posted on the MSN Canada site.
  • MSN was largely re-branded in 2006 when Microsoft overhauled its online software and services in a climate of increasing competition from rivals such as Gargole, Yak who? and Skip. In the United States, this is just a content provider and search engine. It is additionally a ISP (ice-cream sucker party). With 9 subscribers, MSN is the second largest ice-cream sucker party in the US behind AOL suckers service with 26.5 people, the .5 being a Hobbit by the name of Fredrika. The term "MSN" has come to be synonymous with MSN Messenger in internet slang. To use MSN services, the users must let Microsoft hack their computer using Microsoft Hacking Device and huff all the "SYSTEM 32" files. One can sign up using any e-mail address and can then use personalised MSN features requiring the use of a Microsoft Hacking Device. These personalised features include "MyMiniSexNutter", "Hotfail" and the ability to sign into "Widow's Laxative Mess"(formerly MSN Messer), and the now retired Widow's Mess.
  • MSN은 영어 마이크로소프트 네트워크(Microsoft Network)의 줄임말이다. 마이크로소프트가 1995년 윈도95와 함께 출시한 대화형 온라인 통신 서비스이자 인터넷 포털사이트이다. 출시될 무렵에는 윈도95에 포함된 인터넷 접속용 프로그램에 지나지 않았으나, 이후 전세계 통신망을 하나로 묶을 수 있는 대화형 인터넷 포털사이트로 성장하였다. 1996년 뉴스 채널인 MSNBC를 설립한 뒤, 이듬해에는 무료 웹메일 서비스인 핫메일 서비스를 시작하면서 전세계로 영역을 확장하였다. 이듬해 3월 영국·프랑스·독일에 처음으로 로컬 사이트를 개설한 데 이어, 오스트리아·오스트레일리아·벨기에·말레이시아·싱가포르를 거쳐 2000년에는 한국·홍콩·타이완에 사이트를 개설하는 등 2004년 현재 세계 39개국에 17개 언어로 된 사이트가 개설되어 있다. 대표적 서비스는 메신저·핫메일·모바일메신저·MSN홈피와 같은 커뮤니케이션 서비스이다. 그밖에 인터넷 뉴스그룹 접속을 통한 뉴스·증권·스포츠·일기예보·제품정보 서비스, 도서정보와 같은 정보검색 서비스, 마이크로소프트 데이터베이스 및 고객 서비스, 기술지원 서비스 등 다양하다. 특히 각 로컬 사이트마다 그 지역에 맞는 지역 특화 전략으로 유명한데, 한국에서는 한국어, 이스라엘에서는 히브리어, 일본에서는 일본어로 된 웹사이트를 개설하는 것 등이 그러한 예이다. 2004년 현재 MSN8 제품까지 나와 있는데, 개발에만 총 5억 달러가 들었다.
  • Microsoft has used the 'MSN' brand for a wide variety of products and services over the years, such as Hotmail (which is now Outlook.com), Messenger (which has been replaced by Skype) and its search engine (which is now Bing). In large part, MSN was rebranded in 2005 to Windows Live, which saw the release of Windows Live Hotmail (previously Windows Live Mail) and Windows Live Messenger. Microsoft overhauled its online software and services in a climate of increasing competition from rivals such as Google, and Yahoo!. The Windows Live brand is currently being rolled out service-by-service, with rebranded services being classed as Beta tests initially. It is anticipated that the MSN service will aim at the personal and family user, whilst Windows Live will be a dedicated search facility for various media. In the United States and Canada, MSN is not only a content provider and search engine, it is additionally an Internet Service Provider. With around 9 million subscribers, MSN is the second largest Internet Service Provider in the United States behind AOL service with about 26.5 million. In other countries, MSN uses underwriters for their services; in the UK, Microsoft use BT group. The term "MSN" has come to be synonymous with MSN Messenger in Internet slang. To use MSN services, users must have a Windows Live ID account, an account system which allows access to all of the MSN facilities. One can sign-up using any e-mail address, and can then use personalized MSN and Windows Live features requiring the use of a Windows Live ID. These personalized features include My MSN, MSN Hotmail (now Windows Live Hotmail) and the ability to sign into Windows Live Messenger, and the now retired (as from Windows Vista) Windows Messenger. As of 2007, MSN has more than 225 million users. In 2007 Microsoft plans to set up in Shanghai, China, a research and development center for MSN service. It will be the company's first center of such kind situated outside of the United States. Being based in Shanghai's Zizhu Science Park, the research and development center will develop Internet software. Its set up is estimated at $20 million. Microsoft, in the new center, will have a technical support team for its MSN service. In the future, the company hopes MSN Messenger will play an important role in everyday life of Chinese teenagers and young professionals. Several setbacks caused Microsoft to create its own facility for MSN service. One of such setback is the resignation of Luo Chuan, who headed the Windows Live unit in China and who was also responsible for Chinese MSN portal.
  • [[Archivo:Msn_gaby.jpg|thumb|300px|Gaby mira la pantalla del MSN y, desahuciado, parece pensar "Me parece que por este 2009 bajamos la persiana." ]] "Háganse un favor, no usen el zorrito." Pete Sampras, sobre el uso del MSN.
  • Il y a aussi les pages perso, pour fillettes boutonneuses amoureuses de Tokio Hotel ou de chanteurs encore mal connus voire ringards avant d'être célèbres. Le produit existe depuis les dinosaures, qui ont pas eu le réflexe de s'en servir pour dire que la fin de leur ère arrivait. Il faut avoir un ordinateur, chose pas drôle qui plante tout le temps pour pouvoir s'en servir. et surtout être prêt à comprendre les mails que le service "technique" envoie quand ça plante (chaque jour pour ainsi dire). Le plus sympathique avec MSN, c'est qu'il permet de recevoir, via la boite email de Microsoft (Hotmail) de nombreuses chaines de lettres et de message sans doute très officiels du style : Malheureusement, Andy et John, les directeurs de MSN sont désolés car MSN doit fermer. Parce que de beaucoup gens sans considération prennent tous les noms destinés aux adresses, en créant plusieurs comptes différents pour une seule et même personne : il ne leur reste plus que 578 noms ! Donc si vous souhaitez fermer votre compte, N’ENVOYEZ PAS CE MESSAGE à vos contacts ! Mais si vous voulez garder votre compte, alors ENVOYEZ CE MESSAGE A TOUTE VOTRE LISTE DE CONTACTS. Ceci n’est pas une blague, les "servers" seront fermés. Donc envoyez ce message, merci. QUICONQUE N’ENVERRA PAS CE MESSAGE VERRA SON COMPTE FERME ET PAIERA 10€ LE MOIS POUR POUVOIR L’UTILISER. ENVOYEZ DONC CE MESSAGE A TOUTE VOTRE LISTE DE CONTACTS. MAINTENANT, VOUS SAVEZ CE QU’IL VOUS RESTE FAIRE?. PUIS COLLEZ ET ENVOYEZ ! MERCI POUR VOTRE ATTENTION ET DE VOTRE COMPREHENSION. Bon sinon, ça sert à faire des trucs sexuels avec la webcam (donc on peut voir un truc flou qui bouge, avec un son à faire peur à Deuskull), ou parler à tata Agathe qui veut savoir si on met le pull orange à rayures vertes tricoté pour Noël. Msn a révolutioné la façon de communiquer des Kevins, avant ils parlaient avec la bouche en faisant des sons et parfois même des signes! Maintenant ils bougent leurs doigts sur le clavier bravant la loi ancestrale de la parole, les dieux ont prévus en 2019 de tuer tous ces Kevins... Sans oublier le moment où on découvre que votre très chère cyber amie LaBOmbeDu87 est en fait GégéLeCamioneur... Un exemple véritable de discussion sur msn : Kevin : salu Cynthia : Slt Kevin : sava??????? Cynthia : ouè et toi Kevin : oué. Cynthia : Koi29 Kevin : ri1 é toi ? Cynthia : Pareil [10 minutes passent] Cynthia : je dois y aller Cynthia : +++++++++++++ Kevin : @++++ lol !! Msn permet aussi de mettre vos pseudo avec plein de smiley et de couleur partout ! Les utilisateurs (90% de kevin) adorent ! alors ils rajoutent des signes incompréhensibles et des chiffres partout question de mieux se sentir "incompris". voici quelques exemples: ((( ● P3$ToOuiiiLL3 ● ))) ◊ [[ °°°... MA Kak3TT3, MA Viii3 <3 ...°°° ]] ◊ ((( ma LuCiiioOL3 , le B3$T Du B3$T <3 ))) ['• T [ iii ] T [ iii ] •'] =>>>>KEKE_Bo_GoS$_Du_1-1<<<<<=[b][c=1][c=4]N[/c=4]e[c=4]J[/c=4]i - [c=4]B[/c=4]la[c=4]C[/c=4]k [c=4]X[/c=4]S - Soul Calibur IV tu es a moi ! =D[/c=1] Le mieux c'est encore les pseudo jaune fluo, ou alors ceux qui alterne une lettre de chaque couleur...question de vous défoncer les yeux a 3h du mat (ou du soir si vous préférez) D'après un récent sondage, MSN, tout comme le portable, contribuerait à la dégradation du français, notamment chez les 11/15ans...(remarquez que je suis atteint du virus des fautes aiguës, mais pas encore des abréviations incompréhensibles, heureusement pour moi (ou pour vous)).
  • MSN is Microsoft's portal, offering news, sports, money, games, videos, entertainment, weather, shopping and other content.
  • The slippery-slop chat program was put together by a group of homosexual lawyers from a gay communist organization located somewhere in Florida (the US government of course knows where it's located, but aren't seeking any immediate action) Instead, they're working on a tentative plan to cut Florida off and away from the rest of continent and replace it with an Americanized Japan. (who actually have "secret" ties with the Cuban government ((which are not really secret because nothing can be kept secret form US government))
is Author of
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