* De-Fusion
* E - Emergency Call x2
* Fusion Gate x2
* Fusion Recovery
* H - Heated Heart
* Hero Flash!!
* Miracle Fusion x2
* O - Oversoul x2
* Neo Space
* Parallel World Fusion
* Polymerization x3
* R - Righteous Justice x2
* Reinforcement of the Army
* Super Polymerization x2
* The Warrior Returning Alive
* Black Garden
* Miracle Fertilizer
* Super Solar Nutrient
* Big Evolution Pill
* Book of Moon
* Dark Hole
* Forbidden Lance x2
* Fossil Dig x3
* Mystical Space Typhoon x2
* Pot of Duality
* Contract with Exodia
* Final Countdown
* Nightmare's Steelcage
* One Day of Peace
* Spirit Message "A"
* Spirit Message "I"
* Spirit Message "N"
* Spirit Message "L"
* Upstart Goblin
* Accellight
* Galaxy Expedition x2
* Galaxy Zero
* Message in a Bottle
* Photon Lead x2
* Photon Sanctuary x2
* Photon Trident x2
* Photon Veil
* Polymerization
* Reinforcement of the Army
* Cards of Consonance x3
* Dark Hole
* Dragon Ravine x3
* Dragon Mastery
* Forbidden Lance x2
* Gold Sarcophagus
* My Body as a Shield
* Mystical Space Typhoon x3
* Pot of Duality x2
* Terraforming x3
* March of the Monarchs
* Return of the Monarchs
* Soul Exchange
* A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon
* Burst Stream of Destruction x2
* Cards of Consonance
* Dragon Ravine
* Dragon Shrine x2
* Dragon's Mirror
* Dragonic Tactics
* Foolish Burial
* Silver's Cry x2
* Polymerization
* Stamping Destruction x2
* White Dragon Ritual
* Bujin Regalia - The Mirror
* Bujincarnation
* Dark Hole
* Fire Formation - Tenki x2
* Forbidden Lance x2
* Kaiser Colosseum
* Mystical Space Typhoon x2
* Pot of Duality x2
* Clock Tower Prison
* D - Formation
* Dark City
* Destiny Draw
* Fortune's Future
* Infinite Cards
* Time Passage
* Gaia Power
* Heroic Chance
* Madolche Chateau
* Madolche Ticket
* Magical Labyrinth
* Molten Conduction Field
* Red Dragon Vase
* Scarlet Security
* Saber Slash
* Scramble!! Scramble!!
* Vertical Landing
* Shinato's Ark
* TGX300
* The Sanctuary in the Sky
* Tuning
* Vehicroid Connection Zone
* Iron Call
* Dark Hole
* Foolish Burial
* Magic Triangle of the Ice Barrier
* Medallion of the Ice Barrier x3
* Mirror of the Ice Barrier
* Pot of Duality x2
* Surface x2
* Earthbound Revival
* Earthbound Whirlwind
* Mausoleum of the Emperor
* Book of Moon
* Ectoplasmer
* Ghostrick Mansion
* Recurring Nightmare
* Swords of Concealing Light
* Asceticism of the Six Samurai x2
* Cunning of the Six Samurai
* Legendary Ebon Steed
* Shien's Castle of Mist
* Shien's Dojo x2
* Shien's Smoke Signal x2
* Shien's Spy
* Six Samurai United x2
* Six Scrolls of the Samurai
* Six Strike - Triple Impact
* Temple of the Six x2
* Book of Moon
* Charge of the Light Brigade
* Dark Hole
* Lightsworn Sabre
* Monster Reincarnation
* Realm of Light
* Reinforcement of the Army
* Solar Recharge x3
* Assault Armor
* Rank-Up-Magic Numeron Force
* Xyz Burst
* Beastly Mirror Ritual
* Crashbug Road
* Dark Eruption
* Fires of Doomsday
* Book of Moon
* Dark Hole
* Legendary Wind-Up Key
* Mind Control
* Mystical Space Typhoon x3
* Weights & Zenmaisures
* Wind-Up Factory x3
* Zenmailfunction x2
* Fish and Kicks
* Monster Slots
* Fish and Swaps
* Different Dimension Deepsea Trench
* Book of Moon
* Dark Hole
* Fire Formation - Gyokkou x2
* Fire Formation - Tenki x2
* Fire Formation - Tensu x2
* Fire Formation - Yoko
* Forbidden Lance
* Mystical Space Typhoon x2
* Pot of Duality
* Spiritual Forest
* Dark Hole
* Forbidden Arts of the Gishki
* Fortress Whale's Oath
* Gishki Aquamirror x3
* Gishki Photomirror
* Lightning Vortex
* Mystical Space Typhoon x2
* Preparation of Rites x3
* Salvage x2
* Surface x2
* Dark Hole
* Mystical Space Typhoon x2
* Pot of Duality
* Secret Village of the Spellcasters
* Spellbook Library of the Crescent
* Spellbook Library of the Heliosphere
* Spellbook of Eternity
* Spellbook of Fate
* Spellbook of Life
* Spellbook of Miracles
* Spellbook of Power x2
* Spellbook of Secrets x3
* Spellbook of the Master
* Spellbook of Wisdom
* Spellbook Organization
* Spellbook Star Hall x2
* The Grand Spellbook Tower
* Wonder Wand
* Abyss-scale of Cetus
* Abyss-scale of the Kraken
* Abyss-scale of the Mizuchi
* Call of the Atlanteans
* Lemuria, the Forgotten City
* Mystical Space Typhoon x2
* Salvage x2
* Surface x2
* Book of Moon
* Dark Hole
* Leodrake's Mane
* Mind Control
* Mystical Space Typhoon x2
* Naturia Forest
* Pot of Duality
* Swords of Revealing Light x2
* Gagagaback
* Gagagabolt x2
* Gagagadraw
* Gagagarevenge x3
* Gagagatag
* Gagagawind
* Reinforcement of the Army
* Xyz Revenge
* Xyz Unit
* Advanced Heraldry Art
* Heraldry Reborn
* The Big Cattle Drive
* Constellar Belt
* Constellar Star Chart x2
* Constellar Star Cradle
* Dark Hole
* Double Summon x2
* Mystical Space Typhoon x2
* Photon Lead
* Photon Veil
* Soul Exchange
* Hieratic Seal of Convocation
* Hieratic Seal of Supremacy
* Dark Hole
* Forbidden Dress x2
* Infestation Pandemic x3
* Mystical Space Typhoon x2
* Reinforcement of the Army
* Ancient Gear Castle x2
* Ancient Gear Drill
* Ancient Gear Explosive
* Ancient Gear Factory
* Ancient Gear Fist
* Ancient Gear Tank
* Ancient Gear Workshop x2
* Double Cyclone x3
* Geartown x3
* Limiter Removal
* Machina Armored Unit
* Machine Conversion Factory
* Polymerization
* Power Bond
* Spell Gear
* Terraforming
* Trade-In
* Against the Wind
* Black Whirlwind
* Cards for Black Feathers
* Chain Summoning x2
* Mystic Plasma Zone x2
* Mystical Space Typhoon x2
* Raptor Wing Strike
* Book of Moon
* Dark Hole
* Foolish Burial
* Infernity Launcher
* Lightning Vortex x3
* Mystical Space Typhoon x2
* One for One
* Recurring Nightmare
* Wave-Motion Inferno