| - As the elegently uniformed Harlan Takanagamo paced about in his office, terrible thoughts entered his head, about the imminent collision and merger of the two galaxies. As duty to the office of King, Harlan, still adjusting to his new office, wondered if Tarakus had gotten the message. His orange and green hair flared and glinted in the dim light of the Tristchana sun. His comlink went off. "King Takanagamo?" A familiar voice came on at the other end of the transmission. "Hello, Harlan. It's Tarakus." Harlan gave his comlink a funny look. "Gee, Tarakus. . .you sure have a funny way with your timing lately. What's going on?" "I've just sent my daughter to Coruscant. I want you to do me a favor. I know it's been about three years, since we pushed Moorshavin out of our neighboring galaxy, so
| - As the elegently uniformed Harlan Takanagamo paced about in his office, terrible thoughts entered his head, about the imminent collision and merger of the two galaxies. As duty to the office of King, Harlan, still adjusting to his new office, wondered if Tarakus had gotten the message. His orange and green hair flared and glinted in the dim light of the Tristchana sun. His comlink went off. "King Takanagamo?" A familiar voice came on at the other end of the transmission. "Hello, Harlan. It's Tarakus." Harlan gave his comlink a funny look. "Gee, Tarakus. . .you sure have a funny way with your timing lately. What's going on?" "I've just sent my daughter to Coruscant. I want you to do me a favor. I know it's been about three years, since we pushed Moorshavin out of our neighboring galaxy, so I just wanted to know, if you would be willing to back me up, when I made my enterance on Coruscant, and maybe provide some motivation for Chief Natasi Daala, to. . .leave office a little faster?" Harlan remained silent for a few moments, turning the thought around. "Would this require me to be present?" "Yes. It would. Don't worry, though. It's just going to be a bluff. I'm giving the Jedi enemy, some time to enact a plan of their own." "It's pretty dangerous, involving the Jedi in any sort of plot, Tarakus. Do be careful." "No need to worry about me, Harlan. I'm still using my relationship with Luke Skywalker, to get me close to them. I won't need to strike at them, this time." Harlan rolled his eyes, sighed and said, "Ok. Count me in. Just be aware that Darth Gualtullo is on the loose, again." There was some silence at Tarakus's end, indicating that he was probably shaking his head in disbelief, at the news he just heard. "Are you sure he's on the loose?" "Definitely. I have witness reports that corroborate that information." Harlan said, backing it up. "Ok. . .I'll have to keep a careful eye out for him. Deadmerit out." - - - - - -Kalika, Tepagastra As Tarakus shut his comlink off, he rubbed his head. With his old adversary, Darth Gualtullo on the loose, once again, it meant that nothing would truly be what it seemed. With Caden, it was always like that. "Admiral Cephla, I want you to check something for me. . .I want you to see what they've been saying about Darth Gualtullo. Anything minor should be counted." "Yes, My Lord." As Tarakus lounged back in his chair, a Fazabian Fa'neir Dragon male, with paler scales, walked in. "Well, well. . .if it isn't my old friend. . .how's it going?" "If only you cared, Cyvelon. I've got nothing important to tell you." "Oh. And that mess, three years ago was nothing?" "What Moorshavin did, was inexcusable. I found it very disturbing. I'm worried about what else he'll be willing to do. They're getting desparate, Cyvelon. The Separatists are still trying to do something about the new King, sitting on Tristchana's throne." "That's what worries me. Tarakus, I was around when one ruthless emperor was in power. I don't want or wish to see another one come to power. . .not in my lifetime." "I agree with you, Cyvelon. I really do." - - - - - -Abandoned WSIR complex, Tildara "Hand me a light, will ya?" Piastall Faulds said, holding his Dragonish hand out for a glowrod. His apprentice, Mirandall Korbescht, handed that glowrod to him, wiping his forehead with a gloved hand. "I really hope that we find whatever it is that Tarakus sent us out here for." Mirandall said, as he pulled his hand away from his face. "I hope so too, Mirandall. I also hope that it isn't active." Piastall replied, focusing his eyes ahead, using the glowrod to light the way. Ahead, was an older model power generator. Using the Force, Piastall reactivated the power generator, illuminating the entire complex, and reactivating old computer consoles, abandoned since the end of Moorshavin Warbird's 12-year Purge. "This is definitely the place, Mirandall. It's definitely the place."