| - Adopted child of a same sex couple, Cassian Eklund was welcomed into the family on December 15th, after an uncomplicated and relatively easy birth. He never met his biological mother, and unbeknownst to him he is the biological son of one of his fathers, although given the opportunity he would never choose to know which one, anyway. Brought up into a family of overachievers - both parents are respected, well known professionals in their respective fields - Cas displayed surprisingly little interest in a formal education, his attention span lacking at best. He was a happy and easy going child, albeit a little oblivious at times, traits he still nurtures now, as he grows up.
| - Adopted child of a same sex couple, Cassian Eklund was welcomed into the family on December 15th, after an uncomplicated and relatively easy birth. He never met his biological mother, and unbeknownst to him he is the biological son of one of his fathers, although given the opportunity he would never choose to know which one, anyway. Brought up into a family of overachievers - both parents are respected, well known professionals in their respective fields - Cas displayed surprisingly little interest in a formal education, his attention span lacking at best. He was a happy and easy going child, albeit a little oblivious at times, traits he still nurtures now, as he grows up. He loves his fathers and is insanely proud of both of them which prompts him to wish they would be proud of him, too, something that if he were more observant, he'd know he needn't worry about. When taking care of his upbringing, they adapted to his desires, and never tried to adjust his way of acting towards something they'd find more acceptable. Instead of a muggle schooling that focused on exact sciences prior to entering Hogwarts, Cassian was given music lessons in two instruments, and was encouraged to nurture his drawing talent as soon as it became apparent he possessed one. His dedication to sports keeps his energy levels at manageable heights and he became a chaser in his second year of Hogwarts, displaying yet another penchant for activities that don't focus on studying.