| - Arthur Chapman was born on a farm in Dwarka with an abusive father, Simon, a neglectful mother, Jenny, and he was related to Soren S-066. When he was 9, his father left the family and his mother remarried to a man named Charles, and he would be his step father.. His step father taught him how to use a rifle, how to hunt, how to live, and were always very close. His mother died when he was 11, and his step father could barely provide enough for the family. As much as his father cared for Arthur, he had to send him off to military school on Mars to become an ODST. His father had a big talk with him before Arthur left about how it wasn't his first choice, and how he still loved him.
| - Arthur Chapman was born on a farm in Dwarka with an abusive father, Simon, a neglectful mother, Jenny, and he was related to Soren S-066. When he was 9, his father left the family and his mother remarried to a man named Charles, and he would be his step father.. His step father taught him how to use a rifle, how to hunt, how to live, and were always very close. His mother died when he was 11, and his step father could barely provide enough for the family. As much as his father cared for Arthur, he had to send him off to military school on Mars to become an ODST. His father had a big talk with him before Arthur left about how it wasn't his first choice, and how he still loved him. "You don't care for me, just yourself." 'I can't help, as much as I want to, Arty, you can't hate me forever." "Yes I can, watch." "Arty, even though you might not think I do, I'll give my life for you a thousand times over. I do care. I do-" "If you did, you'd keep me. You're sending me off to do this. I don't wanna." "Arthur. Please. Understand what I'm in ri-" "Shut up! I hate you! Get out of my life!" -Arthur and Charles before Arthur left to the academy where he'd be trained. Even after this, his father still cared. He sent Arthur letters everyday until Arthur wrote back a year later. "...I am so sorry I told you that I hated you, I was to young to make fair judgement, and to young to rationalise... I do greatly apologize, and I hope you love me. I love you dad. I still care..." After that, they got to face chatting, and did so every night until he died in 2550. Even though this was a tremendous blow to his morale, he kept pushing, knowing his father would be proud.