| - Ride The Snake was well known for the popular "double-reading" technique it employed, encouraging men to read the book together, simultaneously. Women were in fact forbidden to read it, but this was mostly reduntant because everybody knows that women can't read, or drive, or give good blowjobs, or read, let alone ride snakes. The Pro-snake organization National Union of The Snakes (NUTS), became outraged when the book was published because it asserted that Snakes had neither legs nor arms. After furious litigation, a small boy pointed out that snakes do not in fact have arms or legs. "Well Nuts." Said NUTS, as they simply slithered off.
| - Ride The Snake was well known for the popular "double-reading" technique it employed, encouraging men to read the book together, simultaneously. Women were in fact forbidden to read it, but this was mostly reduntant because everybody knows that women can't read, or drive, or give good blowjobs, or read, let alone ride snakes. The Pro-snake organization National Union of The Snakes (NUTS), became outraged when the book was published because it asserted that Snakes had neither legs nor arms. After furious litigation, a small boy pointed out that snakes do not in fact have arms or legs. "Well Nuts." Said NUTS, as they simply slithered off. Some scholars assert that the book itself was merely a term for various other things, such as a euphemism for more gay sex, Shooting Heroin, driving a car with a snake head as a shift knob, and taking a piggyback ride on Solid Snake. Oscar Wilde Failed to not disagree with them, while Jesus Christ Did not fail to not agree with them. This caused a great rift between them. And by them, I mean Bob Ross and Tom Cruise, which doesn't make a lick of sense.