T3-H8 is a T3 series utility droid sold by Janice Nall on Taris. T3-H8 is a droid that Janice sells for only 50 Credits. If the character chooses to buy T3-H8 it explodes before you get out the door. Janice will offer to give you your credits back.
T3-H8 - вспомогательный дроид T3-серии продававшийся в магазине Джанис Налл во время Гражданской войны джедаев в 3956 ДБЯ.
Pelaajalla on mahdollisuus kiusata Janicea, jotta tämä antaisi enemmän rahaa. Tämä kuitenkin vetää pelaajaa enemmän pimeälle puolelle. Hän voi myös tinkimällä saada itselleen suuremman korvauksen ilman pimeän puolen vaikutusta. T3-H8:n räjähtäminen saattaa viitata R5-D4:n saman kaltaiseen kohtaloon, sillä molemmat räjähtivät pian ostovaiheen jälkeen ja heidän ostajansa valitsivat toisen samankaltaisen droidin niiden tilalle.
T3-H8 is a T3 series utility droid sold by Janice Nall on Taris. T3-H8 is a droid that Janice sells for only 50 Credits. If the character chooses to buy T3-H8 it explodes before you get out the door. Janice will offer to give you your credits back.
T3-H8 was a refurbished T3-series utility droid that was on sale by Janice Nall on Taris during the Jedi Civil War. She sold it to Revan while he was on Taris during the Sith quarantine of the world, but the droid exploded as soon as it left the store, forcing Janice to give him a refund. T3-H8 was repaired by the time Revan returned to purchase the newer model T3-M4 just before the planet's destruction.
T3-H8 es un droide astromecánico T3, creado por Janice Nall durante la Guerra Civil Jedi. Aparece solamente en el Star Wars: Caballeros de la Antigua República.
T3-H8 era un droide astromecánico serie T3 reformado que estaba a la venta por Janice Nall en Taris durante la Guerra Civil Jedi. Ella se lo vendió a Revan, sin embargo el droide explotó poco después, y Janice se vio obligada a pagarle un reembolso completo a Revan. T3-H8 fue reparado y aparece sentado junto al nuevo modelo, aunque no se sabe si está totalmente operacional.