| - Kategoria:Artykuły wymagające poprawy kategoriiLamprey – ryba występująca w The Elder Scrolls Online. Można ją znaleźć w Glenumbra.
- A Scottish supervillain.
- Lamprey is a manipulative member of the Beast Forces who specialises in undoing planets from within through false diplomacy and other, more subtle means. She is one of the series' main antagonists, working with Blokk and Voyd for their master, the Beast Planet.
- A cylindrical, grey, jawless fish, the lamprey was a parasite that attached itself to other creatures, like a leech with a circular maw. It then remained in place, slowly burrowing into the flesh and swallowing blood until sated.
- It lives in the lakes of the Desert Oasis and the Thunderstorm Valley. It has no jaw means it will jump on a prey or enemy and adheres on it to grate the skin. It drains the life of its victim. It attacks in groups of 3-4. You have to "roll" to get it off. It can produce currents by charging on you. The weakness is dragon, then ice. It's the juvenile form of the Lamprey (Boss).
- COBRA LAMPREY troopers are underwater demolition specialists of the COBRA legions who protect and defend the criminal organization's coastal and underwater stations. Because of their importance in the COBRA ranks, they are carefully chosen and formidably equipped. Their rigorous training program takes place in warm, shark- and pirate-infested waters of tropical islands, and in the dark, frigid depths of the Arctic Circle. COBRA LAMPREY troops are known to operate heavily armed, highly sophisticated submarines for underwater demolition missions and coastal attacks on the shores where G. I. JOE teams have operations bases.
- Lamprey is a rare fish in Online. It can be obtained through fishing in Glenumbra.
- While lampreys are well known for those species which bore into the flesh of other fish to suck their blood, most species of lampreys are not parasitic and never feed on other fish. The lampreys are a very ancient lineage of vertebrates, though their exact relationship to hagfishes and jawed vertebrates is still a matter of dispute.
- From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Lamprey]] laumprei, adopted from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Lamprey]] lampreie.
- A lamprey (sometimes also called lamprey eel) is a jawless fish with a toothed, funnel-like sucking mouth. While lampreys are well known for those species which bore into the flesh of other fish to suck their blood, these species make up the minority. In zoology, lampreys are often not considered to be true fish because of their vastly different morphology and physiology.
- Lampreys are a flying strain of Zerg spawned by Dominators. They are similar in appearance to a Viper, but smaller and with larger teeth. Within them are multiple stomachs containing substances to chemically breakdown nearly any type of substance. Even Neosteel alloys are dissolved within seconds before begin converted into Creep-like substances to refuel the Dominators bonded to the Lamprey. Attacking in large swarms, they attack both air and ground targets similar to Interceptors. Causing mass confusion while tearing enemies to shreds, Lampreys can make a big impact in any engagement.
- One of the Beast Generals sent to conquer any planets they could get their hands on, Lamprey had methods of manipulation and creating inner turmoil amongst the Alliance. She is much more level-headed than Blokk, but often bickers with him. She also has a fairly thick Russian accent. Her main plan forced her to possess Tekla and turn the Alliance members against each other. The plan failed, but Lamprey continued to taunt the group, until the destruction of Remora sent her and Blokk back to the Beast Planet for punishment. In Lamprey's last appearance in the series, she makes another attempt on Tekla's life, but is instead engaged in combat with Jade. She accidentally kills herself crushes herself underneath a collapsing ceiling in the melee, killing her, though after the fight, no sign of L