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- Prince Ali Rescue on tehtävä ilmaispelaajille RuneScapessa.
- Prince Ali Rescue is a free-to-play quest, and one of the first released. It's notable for allowing entry through the Al-Kharid/Lumbridge gate without the 10gp fee.
- Prince Ali Rescue Questen var en quest for både free-to-play og pay-to-play RuneScape spillere. Den blev fjernet efter 11 år d. 26. September 2012 da Jagex udskiftede den med to, mere moderne stylede queste, Stolen Hearts og Diamond in the Rough, fastholdende det overordnede plot fra Prince Ali Rescue i Stolen Hearts. Folk som havde gennemført Prince Ali Rescue før den blev fernet kan stadig gennemføre Stolen Hearts.
- Exit the palace and meet with Osman. He tells you that Prince Ali, Al Kharid's heir to the throne, has been kidnapped by a certain Lady Keli, who plans to hold the prince for ransom. Fortunately, Osman has a plan to save the prince - tie up Lady Keli, and disguise the prince, to look like his abductor, and finally escape in plain sight. Osman directs you to his daughter, Leela, who could be found strolling east of Draynor Village, near the field.
- [[Officielle Quest beskrivelse: Prince Ali Al Kharid er blevet kidnappet af den intrigante Lady Keli. Du er hyret til at iscenesætte en redningsaktion. Udgivelsesdato : februar 28 2001(Update) Start: Tal med Hassan i slottet på Al-Kharid. Difficulty: ***** Længde: Medium / Long Kun for medlemmer :nr. Krav: Formår at komme forbi aggressiv plan 26 fængslet Garde i en multicombat område. Items behov: 7 bolde af uld (eller 3 bolde af uld og en Rope) 2 Løg Redberries Aske En spand vand 2 Blødt ler En Bronze bar Pink nederdel 3 øl (hvis du drikker en du kan refill på tønde i Morgan's lager) Mindst 50 mønter. BEMÆRK: Disse elementer kan alle købes på Grand Exchange ganske let.
- Again, the below can all be bought at the Grand Exchange quite easily. You would ideally start in Varrock, where you would buy or withdraw from your bank, the minor related items required. You also need a pickaxe to mine with, an axe for woodcutting, and a tinderbox, though you may find ashes from someone else's fire. If you can't find ashes already, cut a tree, light the logs and then wait for it to burn out, while banking the axe and tinderbox you no longer need. Alternatively, you can kill an Imp and take the ashes it drops. Bring your shears if you already have them to save time. You should also withdraw some cash, to pay for the required items and toll gate crossings.
- Objetos necesarios: - Rope: (Comprasela a Ned o dale 4 Ball of Wool para conseguir Rope) Ned se encuentra en Draynor Village. - Wig (Dale 3 Ball of Wool a Ned y te hara una). - Yellow dye (Necesitaras 2 Onion, que las encontraras cerca del mine camp q esta al oeste de port sarim). - Redberries (Las encontraras al Sureste de las afueras de Varrock, cerca del area de minar. también puedes comprarlas con Beefy Bill arriba del molino q esta abajo de River Lum por 3Gp). - 2 Bucket of water (Compra 2 Bucket y llenalos de agua en una fuente). - 3 Beer (Puedes pedirlas en cualquier taberna).
- Zadanie można skończyć znacznie szybciej, mając wszystkie rzeczy w swoim ekwipunku. Poniżej krótka instrukcja jak je zdobyć:
* Jagody na południowy wschód od Varrock, obok kopalni.
* Glinę można zmiękczyć mieszając ją z wiadrem wody.
* Różowa spódnica jest do nabycia u Thessalii za
* Piwo kupić można w dowolnych gospodach.
* Linę i perukę może wykonać Ned. Idź do Draynor Village poproś go o wykonanie liny i peruki. Będzie potrzebował w sumie 7 kłębków wełny.
* Użyj żółtego barwnika (patrz punkt niżej) na peruce. Otrzymasz perukę w kolorze blond.
* żółty barwnik zrobi wiedźma Aggie. Będzie potrzebowała 2 cebul. Usługa będzie kosztowała 5 sztuk złota
* Do wykonania kremu rozjaśniającego cerę Aggie będzie potrzebowała mąki, popiołu, wody i jagód. Butelkę kosme
- |- | start sted: Al Karid Palace(Al karid Tempel/slott) |Instruksjon 1. Start oppdraget med å snakke med Hassan i slottet(tempelet) i al karid. Han ber deg sankke med Osman. 2. Si til Osman( som står rett utenfor tempelet) at Hassan har sent deg og du trenger instruksjoner. Han forteller deg at Lade Keli har kidnappet Prince Ali, og at du må redde ham. Han vil da informere deg to ting du trenger å gjøre: en av dem er å lage en forkledning og den andre er å lage en kopi av fengsel nøkkel der Ali er fanget. 4. Finn Aggie, heksen, hun vil lage Skin Paste og Yellow dye.
- Het is het beste eerst alle voorwerpen te verzamelen. Begin hiervoor best in Varrock, aan de Grand Exchange en probeer daar zoveel mogelijk voorwerpen te kopen. Buckets kan je kopen in de General Store aan het plein in Varrock en dan met water vullen. Koop ook een Empty pot voor later flour in te stoppen. Een Pink skirt kan je kopen in de klerenwinkel aan het plein in Varrock. Beer kan je kopen in de bar ten zuiden van het plein. De Redberries kan je ook gaan plukken in het zuidoosten van Varrock (buiten de stadsmuren, naast de oostelijke mine), en je kan dan meteen ook een Copper ore en een Tin ore minen in de oostelijke mine (voor Bronze bar). De clay kan je minen in de westelijke mine, en er dan een bucket of water op gebruiken om soft clay te krijgen. Je kan ook grain nemen aan het vel
- To start the quest, speak with Chancellor Hassan and ask him if he needs any help. He will then tell you to go see Osman, located just outside the palace. He will tell you that Prince Ali has been kidnapped by Lady Keli. You should now go to the east side of Draynor Village and find Leela. Speak with her to get details on the items you need to collect to complete your mission. You should now:
- Buy the pink skirt at the clothes shop, then leave by the south city exit. Buy the 3 (or 4) beers at the Blue Moon Inn on the way out. At the Varrock East mine, you can mine one Tin and one Copper to make bronze, and pick one Redberry from the nearby bushes. At the west mine, you can mine one clay then go to the sheep pen and shear seven sheep. Go to Lumbridge Castle and spin all the wool, then take a pot from the kitchen and a bucket from the basement if you need them. Fill the bucket with water, wet the clay with it, then fill it again. At this point, you should now be carrying: