| - "Loving-kindness" is also used as an English equivalent for the Buddhist term Mettā, as described in the Metta Sutta of the Pali Canon's Sutta Nipata (Sn 1.8) and Khuddakapatha (Khp 9), and practiced in Loving kindness meditation.
- Tipitaka >> Sutta Pitaka >> Anguttara Nikaya >> Metta-Loving-kindness AN 7:58B; selected - Loving-kindness Monks, do not be afraid of deeds of merit! They are equivalent to happiness, these deeds of merit. For I know very well that for a long time I have experienced desirable, pleasant and agreeable results from meritorious deeds often performed. For seven years I cultivated thoughts of loving-kindness. Having cultivated a heart full of loving-kindness for seven years, I did not return to this world for seven kappas (aeons/lifecycles) of world-contraction and world-expansion. Whenever a world was destroyed, I entered (by way of rebirth) among the devas of Streaming Radiance, and when the world unfolded again, I was reborn in an empty Brahma-palace. And there I was Mahabrahma, the unvanquished victor, all-powerful. And thirty-six times I was Sakka, ruler of the devas, and many hundred times I was a universal monarch, a just and righteous king.