| - Kamaitachi (カマイタチ , Literally meaning "Sickle Weasel") is a technique created by Marshall D. Nicolas in an effort to make better use of his devil fruit's ability. This devil fruit allows Nicolas to become immune to any attacks that he can't see or react too, what Nicolas thought is, rather then letting his fruit's ability work automatically he should instead use it by himself for his advatage. Nicolas would first lengthen his nails and harden them using Nijutoryu and then, being proficint with Hypnosis he would wait untill the moment his opponent attacks him and temporarily Hypnotizes himself to sleep, when he does this his ability will be activated and the opponent will be paralyzed, however there is a second part to the hypnosis which is the most important, as Nicolas would hypnotize himself to a state of sleepwalking where he would randomly slash everything around him using the nails he hardened when he was awake, causing slashing craters on the ground, all trees and rocks that are nearby will be cut to half and naturally the paralyzed opponents will be caught in the random attack as well, making it very similiar to Kuro's "Shakushi" , except it has much more power to it and the target is paralyzed. The hypnosis's effect will dissapear quickly and Nicolas will wake up again. This technique seems to be invincible at first glance but it does have its share of weaknesses, even those who are paralyzed and unable to devil fruit's powers, are still capable of using Haki, if they react fast enough they can harden their bodies and protect themselves, if their Busoshoku Haki is stronger then that Nicolas they will survive the attack unscathed, also Nicolas can't use this ability in the presence of allies as they would be caught in the attack as well in addition to that, Nicolas can't see in that state which has its risks as well, it is still however a powerful and effective technique, especially when taking Nicolas' powerful Busoshoku Haki into consideration. This techique can be done with a normal sword as well.