| - Tyche is part of a nightkin guard detail in Fallout.
- Tyche (pronounced TIE-key ) was the original goddess of fortune. An ancient goddess, she was split into Tymora (goddess of good luck) and Beshaba (goddess of misfortune) before the rising of the Standing Stone (1 DR).
- In literature, she might be given various genealogies, as a daughter of Hermes and Aphrodite, or considered as one of the Oceanids, daughters of Oceanus and Tethys, or of Zeus. She was connected with Nemesis and Agathos Daimon ("good spirit"). The Greek historian Polybius believed that when no cause can be discovered to events such as floods, droughts, frosts or even in politics, then the cause of these events may be fairly attributed to Tyche.
- Tyche is the goddess of Good Fortune.
- Tyche is the Greek goddess of luck and chance, whose Roman counterpart is Fortuna. She was sometimes regarded as a fourth Fate, but not legitimately so. She is commonly represented with the Cornucopia and the wheel of chance.
- Tyche is a proposed mystical giant planet orbiting in the outer Oort Cloud. If discovered if would be the largest planet in our Solar System beling on the order of 4 times bigger than Jupiter. Possible data on the region thought to contain Tyche was gathered by the WISE Space telescope and was compiled and analyzed by March 2012. Tyche has been speculated to dislodge comets from the Oort Cloud. Planet X is a proposed mystical giant planet of 4 times bigger than Jupiter.
- Tyche is the Greek goddess of luck. She give luck to any man deserving it while taking it from those unworthy. She is a sister of Nemesis and the Fates. Her father is Zeus and her mother is Themis.
- Alias(s): Lady Fate, Lady Doom, The Lady Who Smiles, Kismet (lesser goddess)Symbol: A horn of plenty in which she keeps all the world's fortunes.Home Plane: Astral SeaAlignment: True NeutralPortfolio: Fortune, Luck, Fate, Misfortune, Accidents, Adventures, Explorers, Traders, TradeWorshipers: Adventurers, Gamblers, Merchants, SeersCleric Alignments: N, CN, LN, CG, CE, LN, CN, NE, NGDomains: Luck, Fate, Trickery, ChaosCoA Specific Domains: Chaos and FateFavored Weapon: A Silver Disc (Shuriken)Allies: Selune, LathanderEnemies: none knownHISTORY/RELATIONSHIPS: Tyche was a Netherese goddess who was destroyed in the year 1 D.R. when the rot of the foul god Moander infected her. Pitying the decay and madness her friend was suffering, the goddess Selune smote her with a beam of purifying light, f