| - The most common misconception in the Riddle School series, according to the Riddle School 5 special features, is that Smiley is thought to be a boy. Smiley is female, and she has been female since the first game. The creator of the series has confirmed that Smiley and Phil are not in a relationship. On November 20, 2011, a Newgrounds user asked JonBro if it was true that Smiley loves Phil, to which JonBro responded, "No, it's not."
| - The most common misconception in the Riddle School series, according to the Riddle School 5 special features, is that Smiley is thought to be a boy. Smiley is female, and she has been female since the first game. The creator of the series has confirmed that Smiley and Phil are not in a relationship. On November 20, 2011, a Newgrounds user asked JonBro if it was true that Smiley loves Phil, to which JonBro responded, "No, it's not." While her friends Phil, Phred, and Zack were undergoing great physical and emotional changes, Smiley—already basically smart and wise—simply learned you can find friends in the most unusual places. In Riddle Transfer her last name was proved to be Sundae given the title "Eager Scholar" and grew hair after spraying hair spray on her head. She was given Sundae as a surname because her personality is happy and when JonBro thought of happy he thought of the sun. She was also given hair to finally let people know she was a girl. Once Riddle Transfer 2 came out, JonBro, who is now Jonochrome, says that once Phil got used to school, he thought that Phil and Smiley were perfect for each other. It was shown at the end of Riddle Transfer 2 that Phil and Smiley went on a date, got married, and lived a full life happy in the photo album. Also Smiley said that Phil Eggtree got better grades than her.