Athrogate was a dwarven warrior of some reputation in the Bloodstone Lands and later in the North. He later became a companion of Jarlaxle and an agent of Bregan D'aerthe.
Athrogate war ein Zwergenkrieger, bekannt unter den Kopfgeldjägern in den Blutsteinlanden.
Athrogate was a dwarven warrior of some reputation in the Bloodstone Lands and later in the North. He later became a companion of Jarlaxle and an agent of Bregan D'aerthe.
Athrogate war ein Zwergenkrieger, bekannt unter den Kopfgeldjägern in den Blutsteinlanden.
Athrogate was a dwarven warrior of some reputation in the Bloodstone Lands and later in the North. He later became a companion of Jarlaxle and an agent of Bregan D'aerthe.