| - D: When reading the SBS, please make sure the room is well-lit and that you are not too close to the page. When finished reading, please close your eyes and move them up, down, left and right to give them some exercise. (You too, Oda-sensei) by Tada-san File:SBS Vol 47 14.png D: What should one do if Enel shot down lightning bolts? by Pacchon III O: First, guard yourself by ducking at light speed, then give him that golden right with a bit of rotation!! If you can't hit him, cover your bellybutton, cry and surrender! He's tough, folks!! O: Okay. AAAAAAGGGGHHH!!!
| - D: When reading the SBS, please make sure the room is well-lit and that you are not too close to the page. When finished reading, please close your eyes and move them up, down, left and right to give them some exercise. (You too, Oda-sensei) by Tada-san O: Aaack!! It's the usual "takeover squad"! Wait... huh? No... Oh! Now that I read closer... Such kind words. I'm sorry, I thought I was being screwed over once again! Thank you for thinking of everyone's health and well-being, Tada-san! There's plenty this volume to make up for last time, so here we go!! ST-START!! THE S-B-S...!! ( ← stuttered) File:SBS Vol 47 14.png D: What should one do if Enel shot down lightning bolts? by Pacchon III O: First, guard yourself by ducking at light speed, then give him that golden right with a bit of rotation!! If you can't hit him, cover your bellybutton, cry and surrender! He's tough, folks!! D: Question for Oda-sensei! Tell us the ages of the members of CP9. Please, Shigan! (I'm sorry! Don't dodge, Sensei!) P.N. No. 1 O: Yow! ... whew, that was close. Good thing I dodged, wahaha!! You can't touch this!!
* Lucci: 28
* Kaku: 23
* Jabra: 35
* Blueno: 30 File:SBS Vol 47 19.png
* Kumadori: 34
* Fukuro: 29
* Kalifa: 25
* Spandam: 39 D: I have a question, Oda-sensei. What would happen if you picked your nose with Shigan? Please test out this query. by Prince O: Okay. AAAAAAGGGGHHH!!!