| - White lines represent walls, fences, etc., while a red marker indicates a door or other penetrable features. Coloured dots act as markers to identify nearby items, players, monsters and NPCs (see below for more details). Certain buildings, including most shops, and features such as water sources and quest start points are marked by unique icons.
- The Minimap is a miniature map, visible on the player's HUD. The minimap's view is centered on the player, and is oriented the same direction the player faces (though some games have an option to prevent minimap rotation). On PC versions of Battlefield games, the N key is used to change the minimap's zoom level, and the M key is used to view a larger version of the map as an overlay. Along with other HUD elements, the minimap is not visible when playing in Hardcore mode. Unfortunately, there is no minimap size between large and small.
- Rframe|De minimapechtvanboven zie je je minimap staan. Je minimap heeft eigenlijk 9 grote onderdelen (8 voor gratis spelers, 1 voor members):
* De minimap zelf
* Je Constitution level
* Je prayer points
* Je run energy
* Je summoning points (Members!)
* Het kompas
* De worldmap
* Je help paneel
* De Uitlog knop
- The minimap is a great tool that will help you if you get lost or just want to see how things look like. When you explore new areas they are automatically added to your minimap. To scroll around the minimap press the right button your mouse (on the map) and drag. To zoom in or out, use the scrolling wheel on your mouse. You can use the buttons below the map to view upper floors, lower floors or center the minimap.
- thumb De minimap, of mini-kaart, is een cirkelvormige, zoom-staat bovenaanzicht van het gebied rond je personage (vertegenwoordigd als zilver pijl de richting van je personage wordt geconfronteerd). Naast de mogelijkheid om de weergave in- en uitzoomen, de minimap is een verscheidenheid aan informatieve UI functies. Categorie:Game termen Categorie:UI
- White lines represent walls, fences, etc., although a red marker indicates a door or other penetrable features. Coloured dots act as markers to identify nearby items, players, monsters and NPCs (see below for more details). Certain buildings, including most shops, and features, such as water sources and quest start points, are marked by unique icons.
- According to a Game Banshee preview, "the minimap is getting overhauled so that it works much like WoW's does, including the ability to use feats like Track and have your prey show up on the minimap itself." This article is a stub. You can help NWN2Wiki by [ expanding it].
- Besides being able to zoom the view in and out, the minimap has a variety of informational UI features.
- Besides being able to zoom the view in and out, the minimap has a variety of informational UI features.
- This small scenario is designed to test the AI, Included with TripleA package
- 'Image:Mini Map.JPG 01. Hide Button / Hides the Minimap Panel. 02. Opens the Tracker window. 03. Attack Protection / Opens the Attack Protection Settings window. 04. Item Mall/Shop Button (Alt+O) 05. M Button / Opens the World Map. 06. Lock Mode / Synchronize minimap view to camera facing. 07. + button / Zoom into minimap. 08. - button / Zoom out of minimap. 09. Location Panel : Show current map, coordinates, elevation and time of day.
- A fehér vonalak falakat, kerítéseket stb. ábrázolnak, melyeken a pirossal jelölt ajtókon, vagy más átjárókon kelhetünk át. A színes pontok lehetnek tárgyak, más játékosok, szörnyek és NPC-k (lásd később). Bizonyos épületek és funkciók helyét (mint például a vízforrások) ikonok jelzik. Ezen kívül a küldetések kezdőpontjai is megjelennek a minimapon. A minimap egy hozzávetőlegesen 19 lépésnyi sugarú (lásd: méretarány) kör alakú területet mutat. Bizonyos helyeken a térkép nem látható, például a Barrows és a Puro-Puro minigamekben.
- Die Minimap ist eine Kleinansicht der Map rechts unten am Spielfenster, die sehr hilfreich ist. Sie zeigt Feinde, Verbündete, Sprungtore etc. an. Die Minimap kann verschoben und mit Klick auf einen Button (Kreis mit Kreuz darin) ein- und ausgeschaltet werden.
- Minimap on pieni, ruudun ylälaidassa oleva kartta. Se näyttää päämaastonmuodot, ilmansuunnat ja hahmon suunnan. Jos sitä klikkaa, niin siihen ilmestyy vilkkuva ympyrä (eli "ping") jonka koko raidi näkee. Lisäksi suurin osa Addoneista pitää käynnistysnappiaan sen ympärillä
- You can click these markers to be whisked to the building you want, without having to manually walk across the island to get there. Also accessible from the minimap are the dock and notice board.
- MiniMap is a tool in Powder Game and Powder Game 2. It shows a thumbnail of the main screen below it on the menu. The MiniMap hovers at the top of the elements list, but moves around to cover the left or right side of the list when the cursor goes near it. It can be turned on or off by clicking the MiniMap option on the right side of the menu.
- Die Minimap zeigt an der oberen linken Ecke des Spielbildschirmes die Umgebung des Anführers der Helden (mit dem man sich gerade bewegt) Kreisförmig an. Mit einem Klick in die Mitte bekommt man die Karte (des Gebiets in dem man sich befindet) angezeigt. Oben rechts von der Minimap kann man ablesen, in welchem Gebiet man sch befindet. Drückt man auf den Globus, so sieht man die Weltkarte. Wem sie nur stört, der kann sie ausschalten, indem er entwederauf das Auge oben links drückt oder die Taste " , " drückt. Mit + bzw. - kann man die Ansicht vergrößern bzw. verkleinern. Der Radius der Minimap wird durch das Körpertalent Sinnenschärfe angezeigt
- Minimap, eller som noen spillere kaller radar, er et lite vindu oppe i det høyre hjørnet av game screen. Dette er med på å gi spillere av runescape et bedre overblikk over slagmarken og gjøre det lettere for dem når de skal vandre over lange strekninger.