| - The episode begins with Peter Parker as Spider-man in a fight with some Pumpkin Heads, the Green Goblin's hired help. With not much effort, the group is defeated and Spidey interrogates them of the Gobby's whereabouts. None of them know where he is and Spidey swings away frustrated, losing hope that Harry would be found and helped. As he leaves the scene a sneaky Pumpkin Head drives a truck full of weaponry away from the warehouse-like scene.
In another part of New York, we see Gwen Stacy sitting at her desk at home. She has kept the make-over Mary Jane gave her and now wears an orange head band bringing her ever closer to her classic look. Her eyes are captured by a picture of her and Peter when she is alerted of someone outside by a rock thrown at her window. She opens her window to find Harry Osborn calling out her, asking for her help
The scene then shifts to the Parker residence where Peter is the phone assuring his girlfriend Liz Allan that he couldn't have gone to the play even if Aunt May was in it. Things cool down with them, but a concerned Aunt May finally tells Peter that he needs to be truthful with Liz and Gwen because he's hurting all of them. Before Pete can fix that up, Gwen calls him to ask for help with Harry.
Pete arrives at the Stacys'. When he sees Harry he is cautious but remains calm because Peter Parker doesn't know who the Goblin is, Spidey does. Harry explains to them that his dad and Spider-man thought he was the Goblin subconsciously, but that's in the past. He now believes the Goblin is someone else because his kidnapper of the past few days was the Goblin. Gwen tells him he should tell his dad, but Harry and Pete reject that idea-Harry unsure of his dad's fatherly love and Pete suspecting him of the Goblin. Eventually they agree to do so and Harry leaves happy. Peter and Gwen awkwardly part, but Peter decides it's time to be honest with her and himself. They both reveal their love for each other unaware of it reaching a hurt Harry's ears.
Time shifts again, and we're at the Osborn residence. Harry reveals who his kidnapper was to his dad. Spidey swings in accusing Norman of being the Goblin because he saw his "secret" hide out which Harry points out to only be the wine cell. Confused, Peter reflects on the Goblin's identity and is too deep in thought his reaction is late when a bunch of pumpkin bombs blow him off the balcony. A fight between Spider-man and a the Goblin ensues. After the Goblin escapes Spidey knows he's the real thing because of his actions and words. To find out the only other person who could be the Goblin, Norman Osborn reflects on who knows about the Globulin Green. The only suspect left is Donald Menken. Information on his location will have to wait.
Gwen and Pete are at school and trying to break up with their significent others to be together. Mary Jane catches them, but they shyly deny it and walk away.
At lunch, Peter and Liz share an awkward moment and he seems really distracted. Peter can't take it any more and kindly breaks up with Liz wishing to remain friends. It takes awhile for it to hit home as Liz looks around at all her popular friends who have their own boyfriends and girlfriends. In an outburst she loudly breaks up with Peter before he can with her and dramatically leaves the cafeteria. When she is alone the mask is gone and she is seen crying in tears-her true reaction.
The Connors are leaving due to the past events with Miles Warren. While moving their things Pete and Gwen come to see them. They say their good byes and Mrs. Connors warns them of Miles Warren.
Spidey comes back to the still broken down Osborn residence and gets the lead on Donald Menken. Harry and Norman follow by Harry's surprising helicopter piloting. At a unidentified location, Spider-man confronts Menken about being the Goblin. He denies it just as the apartment is filled with knock-out gas. The Goblin is there and they start to fight. Harry uses the helicopter to break the window glass freeing the room of the gas.
The fight continues outside of the building into New York's atmosphere. Beforehand, Gobby had set traps all throughout the city to get Spider-man once and for all. More of the Gobsquad attack Spidey, but he can't be defeated. Gobby and Spidey once again meet and start to fight harder. As Spidey jumps on the Goblin, his suit all torn up, he webs the Goblin's mask. Swooping high and low the Green Goblin pushes Spider-man off his glider onto the roof pavement. With him falls Gobby's mask and the secret is revealed-it's Norman Osborn.
Harry is in shock seeing as his father is sitting right next to him in the helicopter, but then he remembers: his "father" had apologized to Spider-man before when he aided them in finding the Goblin. "Norman Osborn never apologizes!" he accuses his "father" and pulls of his face-mask revealing the Norman Osborn on the helicopter to be the Chameleon.
The Chameleon quickly makes his escape and Spidey seeing the Chameleon swings toward the real Goblin of Norman Osborn. He angrily holds him responsible for framing Harry and Norman explains everything from taking the Green in a gaseous form to twisting Harry's leg framing him and using Chameleon as a decoy. Norman defends himself saying he was doing it to make a man out of Harry. Angrier than ever, Spider-man swings by and throws a pumpkin bomb into the glider's flyer flinging a surprised Gobby to one of the traps for Spidey: an arsenal of pumpkin bombs to be shot. The glider and the Green Goblin are pushed into in the containment, the green gas going off, the pumpkins blowing sky high. The Green Goblin is dead.
A funeral transpires leaving Mrs. Osborn a widow and Harry fatherless. Harry stifles his silent anger at Spider-man's part in it claiming Spider-man should have helped not... well killed him. He hugs Gwen as Peter looks on guiltily. Then in a twisted way of revenge Harry asks Gwen what she wanted to tell him, he knows she wanted to break up with him for Pete and warns her of his downward spiral back to the Green of he didn't have her. Looks like Gobby jr. might have arrived. Gwen and Peter share a look agreeing on it and Gwen tells him it nothing staying with him out of guilt. They walk away from Pete, leaving Spider-man to stand alone that night thinking how New York is safe from the Green Goblin at last.
In another place, the airport, the Connor's get ready to go to Florida. A blond man is also seen going on board to the Cayman Islands. The flight attendant apologizes for the delay to the man, Mr. Romann, but he replies, while lowering his sunglasses, "Don't apologize, I never do." Mr. Romann is Norman Osborn.