An earthquake hits Sunnydale, signifying yet another Apocalypse. The gang must return to the remains of Sunnydale High to stop it. Buffy and Riley struggle with each other's secrets.
* Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking
* Bedmate Reveal: Willow turns on the lights in her dorm to find a corpse in bed next to her.
* Blood Knight / Join the Army They Said: Riley Finn (apparently a Special Forces soldier) says, referring to demon-hunting, "It's not just a job--" Buffy interrupted: "Right, it's an adventure." (That's actually the Navy's slogan, but I doubt Buffy bothers to discriminate.) Riley doesn't deny that he thinks that way.
* Broken Bird
* Buffy-Speak: Even covert ops soldiers use it, with Riley impressed with the "flippy-thing" Buffy did.
* Call Back: Angel and Fait
Attributes | Values |
| - Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S4 E11 Doomed
| - An earthquake hits Sunnydale, signifying yet another Apocalypse. The gang must return to the remains of Sunnydale High to stop it. Buffy and Riley struggle with each other's secrets.
* Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking
* Bedmate Reveal: Willow turns on the lights in her dorm to find a corpse in bed next to her.
* Blood Knight / Join the Army They Said: Riley Finn (apparently a Special Forces soldier) says, referring to demon-hunting, "It's not just a job--" Buffy interrupted: "Right, it's an adventure." (That's actually the Navy's slogan, but I doubt Buffy bothers to discriminate.) Riley doesn't deny that he thinks that way.
* Broken Bird
* Buffy-Speak: Even covert ops soldiers use it, with Riley impressed with the "flippy-thing" Buffy did.
* Call Back: Angel and Fait
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| - An earthquake hits Sunnydale, signifying yet another Apocalypse. The gang must return to the remains of Sunnydale High to stop it. Buffy and Riley struggle with each other's secrets.
* Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking
* Bedmate Reveal: Willow turns on the lights in her dorm to find a corpse in bed next to her.
* Blood Knight / Join the Army They Said: Riley Finn (apparently a Special Forces soldier) says, referring to demon-hunting, "It's not just a job--" Buffy interrupted: "Right, it's an adventure." (That's actually the Navy's slogan, but I doubt Buffy bothers to discriminate.) Riley doesn't deny that he thinks that way.
* Broken Bird
* Buffy-Speak: Even covert ops soldiers use it, with Riley impressed with the "flippy-thing" Buffy did.
* Call Back: Angel and Faith are both referred to -- though not by name -- when Buffy is trying to explain why she doesn't want a relationship with someone in the demon-hunting business. Percy mentions how Willow used to tutor him in Sunnydale High. The Scoobies visit the ruins of Sunnydale High library and find themselves stepping on "Mayor meat" -- the remains of last year's Ascended Big Bad.
* Classified Information: Riley says he can't tell Buffy anything more than she already knows about him. Buffy then lists all the information she's found out about the Initiative so far, leaving a rather disturbed Riley.
* Crush! Kill! Destroy!: Not recognizing the Signs of the End Times, Riley briefs his team that the demon appears to be "on a basic crush-kill-destroy" pattern.
* Despair Event Horizon: Spike's Badass clothes shrink from a leaky pipe and he can't threaten anyone, even Xander.
* Don't You Dare Pity Me!
* Driven to Suicide: Spike tries to spike himself. He misses.
* The End of the World as We Know It
* Fake American: Played by a Fake Brit; Spike puts on an unconvincing American accent when he thinks Riley might know who he is.
* Funny Background Event: Spike trying to Wrench Whack Xander -- he keels over in pain without Xander even noticing.
* Hannibal Lecture: Spike gives one to Willow and Xander.
* No doubt revenge for an earlier one Xander gave to Spike
* He's Back: Spike's sudden outburst of enthusiasm for "fighting the good fight" after he realized that the implanted behavioral modification chip didn't punish him for killing demons.
* Human Sacrifice: Subverted; the demons sacrifice themselves to open the Hellmouth.
* Ironic Juxtaposition: The Contrast Montage between the Scoobies' poetic description of the demon to Riley's Spock Speak Mission Briefing.
* I Warned You vs. the Deadpan Snarker of Doom
* Let's Dance: Spike smirks at Xander's "Let's rock and roll" comment.
* Nice Job Breaking It Anti-Hero: Spike throws one of the demon sacrifices into the Hellmouth.
* Not So Dire
* Oh Crap
* Oh, No, Not Again
* Paper-Thin Disguise: Riley trying to excuse his combat greens as a paintball outfit. He moans about how stupid that was later on.
* Rock Bottom: William the Waste of Space.
* Rousing Speech For Great Justice: Spoofed with helpless silent protestation from Xander and Willow that, and after a long exhausting night of monster-slaying, Spike was blocking their view of the TV box. The irony of course lies in the fact that Spike is a vampire, and used to be Buffy's enemy until that point.
* Saying Too Much: Riley is bemoaning his big mouth with the Scoobies.
* Slashed Throat: The frat party victim is killed for his Blood Magic.
* Spy Speak: Buffy is bemused to find that Riley's callsign is Lilac One.
* Title Drop: Buffy to Riley on their relationship.
* To Make a Long Story Short
* Unusual Euphemism / Did Not Do the Bloody Research: Spike tells Xander to "fag off!"
* What the Hell Are You?: The first question Riley asks on finding Buffy's Secret Identity is "What (not Who) are you?" Buffy is not amused.
* What Measure Is a Non-Human?: Hostile Subterrestrials
* Variable Terminal Velocity: A particularly egregious example where Buffy jumps into the Hellmouth after a demon and catches up to it while falling, even though she took the time to run over to Riley, grab a rope from his Utility Belt, and run back before jumping in.