| - History of location is unknown.
- The tower's primary function was a fortress, a royal palace, and a prison (particularly for high status and royal prisoners, such as the deposed King Edward V and his brother ("Princes in the Tower"), and the future Queen Elizabeth I). This last use has led to the phrase "sent to the Tower" (meaning "imprisoned"). It has also served as a place of execution and torture, an armory, a treasury, a zoo, the Royal Mint, a public records office, an observatory, and since 1303, the home of the Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom.
- Tower of London (処刑塔(ロンドンとう) Shokei Tō?, lit. "Execution Tower") is a historic castle in central London, England. In the Toaru Majutsu no Index universe, it is still used to keep prisoners despite being a tourist attraction.
- „Die Tower Bridge wurde passend zum Tower von London gestaltet.“– Professor Hershel Layton thumb|Der Tower of London im Film Der Tower of London (Ganz: Her Majesty’s Royal Palace and Fortress the Tower of London) ist eine alte Festung, die sich in London an der Themse befindet. Daneben steht die Tower Bridge. Im Tower werden die Kronjuwelen der Königsfamilie ausgestellt und bewacht. Er wurde im 11. Jahrhundert errichtet. Der Tower kommt in Layton’s Mystery Journey: Katrielle und die Verschwörung der Millionäre und im Film Professor Layton und die ewige Diva vor.
- The Tower of London is a part of London.
- The Tower of London was a fortress and a castle in the city of London, England. An Execution Dock, consisting of a scaffold for hanging, was located within the area where it was used to execute pirates, smugglers and mutineers that had been sentenced to death. Joshamee Gibbs was a notable prisoner that was prepared to hang by Hector Barbossa, a reformed pirate-turned-privateer.
- The Tower of London was a famous London landmark. Based on information gathered by Falcon, which indicated the Umbrella Corporation's headquarters was based within a European landmark, Chris; Jill and Barry traveled to the Tower to investigate. Umbrella had been spying on them and released a mutagenic virus in preparation for their arrival, forcing the former S.T.A.R.S. members up against zombified Yeomen Warders.
- thumb|310px Der Tower of London ist ein befestigter Gebäudekomplex in London dessen Grundstein bereits im Jahre 1078 gelegt wurde. Der Tower diente im Laufe der Jahrhunderte als Residenz, Waffenkammer, Zoo, Museum und vieles mehr, erlangte jedoch traurige Berühmtheit hauptsächlich durch seine Funktion als Gefängnis und Hinrichtungsstätte für höhergestellte Persönlichkeiten. Heute befindet sich ein Museum im Tower. Der Tower ist die am häufigsten besuchte Sehenswürdigkeit im Vereinten Königreich.
- Formally Her Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress. The White Tower - the centre of the structure - was built by William the Conqueror, and it has evolved since. In 2014, it hosted an artwork of 888,246 poppies as part of the remembrance of the First World War. It drew more visitors than expected. See also Tower Bridge The official website is [1] and the Wikipedia page is [2]
- In "The Reichenbach Fall", Jim Moriarty visits the tower as a tourist, and appears to use a program on his phone to switch off security while simultaneously opening the vault at the Bank of England and unlocking all the cells at Pentonville Prison.
- Der Tower of London wurde als Ringburg im 11. Jh. von Wilhelm dem Eroberer als Festung gegen die potentiell feindseligen Bürger der Stadt London errichtet.
- The Tower of London is a location in The Stately Homes Robberies and its visual counterpart. Mr. Charles and Dawkins attempted to steal the Crown Jewels by knocking out the Beefeater and 2nd Beefeater on patrol with a sleeping gas.
- In the 22nd Century the Tower of London was home to the Crown Jewels, until they were stolen by the Teeny Meks.
- Anne Boleyn is said to roam the Tower of London following the same path she strode on the night before her execution. Lady Jane Grey The Princes in the Tower Sir Walter Raleigh Ghost Bear Catherine Howard Jane Seymour
- right|200px Tower of London – twierdza występująca w Grand Theft Auto: London, 1969 i Grand Theft Auto: London, 1961, która znajduje się w południowym Soho w Londynie. Jednym z gwardzistów w Tower jest Beefeater. W jednej z misji naszym zadaniem jest zabranie go stamtąd na przesłuchanie, wysadzenie jednego z budynków znajdującego się w murach twierdzy i kradzież klejnotów koronnych. Poza tym znajduje się tutaj również jeden z morderczych szałów w scenariuszu Zabójcza pewność.
- The film is based on the traditional depiction of Richard rising to become King of England in 1483 by eliminating everyone ahead of him. Each time Richard accomplishes a murder, he removes one figurine from a dollhouse resembling a throneroom. Once he has completed his task, he now needs to defeat the exiled Henry Tudor to retain the throne. The exterior castle sets constructed for this film became a staple of the Universal backlot and could be seen time and time again in subsequent films (most prominently in the 1952's The Black Castle).
- Her Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress, more commonly known as the Tower of London, is a historic castle on the north bank of the River Thames in central London, England. It lies within the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, separated from the eastern edge of the square mile of the City of London by the open space known as Tower Hill. It was founded towards the end of 1066 as part of the Norman Conquest of England. The White Tower, which gives the entire castle its name, was built by William the Conqueror in 1078, and was a resented symbol of oppression, inflicted upon London by the new ruling elite. The castle was used as a prison from 1100 (Ranulf Flambard), until 1952 (Kray twins) although that was not its primary purpose. A grand palace early in its history, it served as a royal residen
- The Tower of London was a prison, fortified royal residence, and UNIT headquarters in London. The Doctor visited it on more than one occasion and across several incarnations managed to be thrown in it as a prisoner. The Doctor was imprisoned in the Tower on the Duke of Exeter's daughter (i.e., the rack). (AUDIO: Trail of the White Worm) In 1400, the Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Arundel threatened to imprison Queen Isabella, the wife of the deposed King Richard II of England, in the Tower. (AUDIO: The Doctor's Tale)
- The United States of Europe's embassy to England was immediately placed in the Tower of London under house arrest on the orders of King Charles. They were soon joined a number of Yeomen Warders and their families who ran afoul of Charles, who'd obtained history books from Grantville. Those who were destined to overthrow Charles in the English Civil War were also interred, most notably Oliver Cromwell, who was contacted by the embassy via a smuggled radio.
- In Sonic the Comic Online, the Tower of London is a building occupied by AMS as part of The House of the Dead series. With extensive fortifications, it is one of the only locations in London not often troubled by zombies. However, after Sophie Rogan's encounter with the Resurrection Men, zombies from the Isle of Dogs Fear Foundry began to move on the Tower of London, not perturbed by the mines set in the walls. Thomas Rogan and his team met with Director Lindbergh and Hal within the building and were ordered to travel to One Canada Square. Before they did, Thomas and Sophie danced in another room, much to the embarrassment of Lisa Rogan.
- The center of the Tower is an old, roughly square structure of limestone, whose origins are credited to William the Conqueror. Because of the distinctive color of the limestone, this innermost building is called the White Keep. In theory, the White Keep includes lodgings for the Royal Family and its household and serves as a place from which they might defend themselves from an attack on London; in practice, the White Keep was never used this way and monarch almost never visited the Tower.