| - Being an Affectionate Parody of MMORPGS in general, Kingdom of Loathing is bound to have some of these.
* The Defective Skull, a parody of the Enemy Scan item called the Detective Skull, has numerous useless "deductions" that are nonetheless quite entertaining. Some of them include:
* "I deduce that candy is delicious."
* "I deduce that this monster has approximately eleventy-seven hojillion hit points."
* "I deduce that I satisfied your mother last night."
* "I deduce that if you bet all of your Meat at the MMG right now, you will totally win. Seriously."
* "I deduce that this monster is a much better dancer than you."
* "I deduce that this monster is left-handed."
* "I deduce that this monster is much more attractive than you."
* "I deduce that this monster is much smarter than you."
* "I deduce that this monster is one jive turkey."
* "I deduce that this monster is totally going to kick your ass."
* "I deduce that this monster's dilemmas number four score and nineteen, yet none is feminine in origin."
* "I deduce that this monster's name is Frank, or possibly Brad."
* "I deduce that I make hardcore easier."
* The fight against Ed The Undying gets funnier and funnier as you continue fighting him. By the end, your Player Character has severed his torso and he is still crawling at you with one arm left. The whole thing is reminiscent of The Black Knight scene from Monty Python and The Holy Grail.
* A few things have actually made me laugh out loud in this game. Chief among them is the guy in a V for Vivala mask holding up a sign saying "The Spaghetti Cult is a Cult!"
* Another one is Beyond the Looking Glass, full of references to Alice in Wonderland. At the Tea Party, it has the foods with "Eat Me" written on them, and the following quote takes it to the extreme: "He pulls out a plate of pastries, each with a familiar type of masochistic command written on it. A few say "Eat Me," some say "Drink Me," and one particularly off-putting one says 'Call Me a Dirty Slut.'"
* The entire game is filled with strange, quirky, and above all else, hilarious humor, but the Bad Moon adventures take the cake for the sheer punishment your character goes through. One of the more notable ones is basically one big Charlie the Unicorn Shout-Out, complete with getting your kidney stolen (don't worry, you can buy a "new" one later).
* There are also plenty of hilarious miss messages, including this gem from the monsters in the Slime Tube:
* Amid the barrage of pop culture references, there's also room for pure surreal humor, such as this message when you use a certain accessory as a combat item:
* ...And yes, It Makes Just As Much Sense in Context.