The antenna elements can be arranged to form a 1 or 2 dimensional antenna array. A number of antenna array specific aspects will be outlined; we used 1dimensional arrays for simplicity reasons. Antennas exhibit a specific radiation pattern. The overall radiation pattern changes when several antenna elements are combined in an array. This is due to the so called array factor: this factor quantifies the effect of combining radiating elements in an array without the element specific radiation pattern taken into account. The overall radiation pattern of an array is determined by this array factor combined with the radiation pattern of the antenna element. The overall radiation pattern results in a certain direction and thus gain linked through the efficiency with the direction. Direction and g
The antenna elements can be arranged to form a 1 or 2 dimensional antenna array. A number of antenna array specific aspects will be outlined; we used 1dimensional arrays for simplicity reasons. Antennas exhibit a specific radiation pattern. The overall radiation pattern changes when several antenna elements are combined in an array. This is due to the so called array factor: this factor quantifies the effect of combining radiating elements in an array without the element specific radiation pattern taken into account. The overall radiation pattern of an array is determined by this array factor combined with the radiation pattern of the antenna element. The overall radiation pattern results in a certain direction and thus gain linked through the efficiency with the direction. Direction and gain are equal if the efficiency is 100%.