| - To everyone who will listen to me, please do not go here because Uncyclopedia is the worst! None of its entries are ever funny after the first sentence. It is a total piece of junk. Junky junky junk! ALL OF IT!!!!!!! For example, it makes fun of India, New Mexico , America, and many other countries. World terrorists who wreak havoc are judged as world leaders! Celebrities such as Bob Saget are treated as dictators! What a load of junky junky junky junky junky junk is this? If you go here that means you are ghey. And if you're ghey, you should probably start kitten huffing to make yourself feel better. You guys suck. Your ideas about humour are lame. I suspect you all of being sophomoric lower beings, possibly Americans, who still have not tapped into the inner truth of irony beyond that crappy Alanis Morisette song...Seriously, I did not think it was possible, but you are far, far more evil than Jimbo Wales and Wikipedia. Why? Because you are control freak humour FASCISTS. The only purpose for the Uncyclopedia is to let a group of internet fASCISTS spend all their days e-burning e-pages. It's true and you know it. Don't e-lynch me because you are in denial. Have you even heard of Dada? I doubt it. Buttmunchers. Oh. You are buttmunchers. Oscar Wilde? Who gives a shit? Not funny in any sense ever. Your injokes are not funny, not even slightly. Seriously. Zork? Stop masturbating or you'll need brail computers. What's up with you people? Are you high? I WANNA GO HOOOOOME!!!!!!!! I HATE UNCYCLOPEDIA!! I HATE UNCYCLOPEDIA!! I HAET UNCYCLOPEDIA!! I HAET UNCYCLOPEDIA!! I HAET UNCYCLOPEDIA!! HATE HATE HAT!!!!! UNCYCLOPEDIA IS A BUNCH OF POOPY!!!!