| - Neighborhood gang leader Steve "the Wrecker" Macchione returns home after being dishonorably discharged from the military to find his old neighborhood being torn down to make way for a high-rise apartment complex, and reorganizes his former gang, the Wreckers, to stop the project. Mal, after an argument with the other Titans, is caught in a blast set by the Wreckers and finds himself in a contest for his very life with Azrael, the Angel of Death. He believes this to have been a mere hallucination until he awakens to find himself in possession of a mystic horn given him by the angel Gabriel. According to Azrael, by defeating him Mal has won the right to life, but if he should lose a fight—to anyone—he must die. Gabriel's horn, when blown, gives him unspecified powers to use whenever the odds are against him in battle. He summons the Titans, including Aqualad, who split up to deal with the Wreckers' bombings. Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad save the Wayne Foundation building from destruction, then join Speedy, Wonder Girl, and Mal to finish off the Wreckers. Mal is reconciled with the team, and joins Roy Harper's rock band, Great Frog, as well, while Bruce Wayne agrees to finance a new Teen Titans headquarters.